1. Basalt short fiber - a new material to replace steel fiber. Basalt short fiber is an inorganic mineral fiber with a length of less than 50mm, which can be evenly dispersed in cement concrete.
2. Characteristics of basalt short fiber (1) the specific gravity of steel fiber is 7.8 and that of cement concrete is 2.5. After mixing, the specific gravity of steel fiber is higher than that of cement, and the cement will sink and have poor dispersion.
The specific gravity of basalt short fiber is 2.6, which is basically equivalent to that of cement concrete. After mixing, it does not sink, has good dispersion, is degradable, and is green. The road surface will not be as hard as steel fiber, resulting in car driving noise..
(2) Basalt staple fiber is a real "multifunctional" fiber. Acid and alkali resistance (especially alkali resistance, fully applicable to cement concrete), low and high temperature resistance, insulation and sound insulation. The tensile strength is three times that of steel fiber. The corrosion resistance of basalt fiber is better than that of steel fiber. The compressive strength is 20% higher than that of steel fiber, which is suitable for harsh environment. It has excellent comprehensive performance.
(3) Low cost. The price of basalt fiber used in cement concrete is significantly lower than that of 50% steel fiber.
(4) Natural compatibility. Basalt fiber is a typical silicate fiber, which is easy to disperse when mixed with cement concrete and mortar. Fresh basalt fiber concrete has stable volume, good workability and durability, and has excellent high temperature resistance, impermeability, crack resistance and impact resistance.
1. Basalt short fiber - a new material to replace steel fiber. Basalt short fiber is an inorganic mineral fiber with a length of less than 50mm, which can be evenly dispersed in cement concrete.
2. Characteristics of basalt short fiber (1) the specific gravity of steel fiber is 7.8 and that of cement concrete is 2.5. After mixing, the specific gravity of steel fiber is higher than that of cement, and the cement will sink and have poor dispersion.
The specific gravity of basalt short fiber is 2.6, which is basically equivalent to that of cement concrete. After mixing, it does not sink, has good dispersion, is degradable, and is green. The road surface will not be as hard as steel fiber, resulting in car driving noise..
(2) Basalt staple fiber is a real "multifunctional" fiber. Acid and alkali resistance (especially alkali resistance, fully applicable to cement concrete), low and high temperature resistance, insulation and sound insulation. The tensile strength is three times that of steel fiber. The corrosion resistance of basalt fiber is better than that of steel fiber. The compressive strength is 20% higher than that of steel fiber, which is suitable for harsh environment. It has excellent comprehensive performance.
(3) Low cost. The price of basalt fiber used in cement concrete is significantly lower than that of 50% steel fiber.
(4) Natural compatibility. Basalt fiber is a typical silicate fiber, which is easy to disperse when mixed with cement concrete and mortar. Fresh basalt fiber concrete has stable volume, good workability and durability, and has excellent high temperature resistance, impermeability, crack resistance and impact resistance.
Classification of steel fiber
The advent of steel fiber is not long, but more and more widely used in the field, with this corresponding, steel fiber varieties are also increasing.
According to the shape of the division:
Flat steel fiber, pressure prismatic steel fiber, waveform steel fiber, bending hook shaped steel fiber, big head shaped steel fiber, double pointed steel fiber, cluster of steel fiber and so on.
2 according to the section shape:
Round, rectangular, groove type, irregular
3 according to the production process:
Cut off the steel fiber (cut off with a fine steel wire);
Shear steel fiber (with a thin steel sheet, strip shear);
Milling steel fiber (steel or steel ingot cutting);
Molten steel fiber (molten steel pumping). The most promising is the dissolution of steel fiber, the lowest price
4 according to the material is divided into:
Plain carbon fiber (tensile strength is generally in 300~2500mpa);
Stainless steel fiber (according to the material 304310330430446, etc.);
Other metal fibers (aluminum, copper, titanium and alloy).
According to the state of surface coating:
No coating, surface coating of epoxy resin, zinc, etc.. The industrial use of a large number of ordinary steel fiber without coating.
Steel fiber refers to the short steel fiber, cutting the wire, and hook on both ends of the style compressed into in accordance with the relevant provisions, has certain strength.Steel fiber is mainly used in the manufacture of steel fiber reinforced concrete and application in the tunnel, industrial floor, etc.446 # steel fiber is a kind of brand, starting with four words, apart from 446, with four words beginning with 430;all begin with four words of steel fiber, is a stainless steel fiber, because they have a common characteristic, is containing chromium (cr).
Steel fiber with corrosion resistant metals: chromium (cr), because of strong corrosion resistance of cr, so widely used in metallurgical industry, refractory material industry and chemical industry.Specific point is widely steel mills, used by metallurgical plant and chemical plant.Steel mill of steel water tank, for example, electrodes, metallurgy factory of furnace wall, furnace door, roof block, etc.
After the stainless steel fiber mixed with refractory matrix, can greatly improve the heat resistant structure thermal cycle impact resistance, heat resistance and abrasion resistance performance of the grade, can extend the service life of refractory material and industrial furnaces several times to dozens times, prevent or reduce high temperature crack, improve the bending strength, improve the snap heat and cold resistance and improve the coefficient of thermal conductivity, so as to improve the work efficiency, reduce production costs.
Denomination of the product :
Strongly carbonaceous steel fibers and filings (resulting from the recycling of tires).
Origin of the product :
Strongly carbonaceous steel fibers and filings resulting from the recycling of used tires of various categories (pv, cv, gv, hgv, pwv, cev, iv, agrarian, handling, motorbikes, etc.).
All the technical features of these tires comply with the regulations and standards requirements of france and of the european union.
Composition of the product :
The steel is a strongly carbonaceous steel.
The small rubber buffings mixed with the steel fibers and filings are made of a mix-in variable proportions of 2 main types of synthetic rubber and of natural rubber. The 2 types of synthetic rubber are :
- the sbr (styrene butadiene rubber)
- the nbr (nitrile butadiene rubber)
[cf. The specifications sheets of the products : 'rubber crumbs' and 'fine rubber powder'].
The textile filling and fluff mixed with the steel fibers and filings is made of a mixture of 4 types of fibers : aramide, nylon, polyester and rayon (mainly nylon, that is to say polyamide)
[cf. The specifications sheet of the product: textile filling and fluff].
Apparent density ( without compressing) :
238 kg / m3 or 0, 238 [+ or - 5 %] (adimensional).
Industrial process of manufacturing :
Exclusively with a mechanical crushing of the tires at ambient temperature.
The process used does not require and does not reject any kind of solid, liquid or gas additives.
Mass distribution of the constituents :
- steel fibers and filings : 95, 1 % + or - 2, 7 %
- rubber buffings : 3, 3 % + or - 1, 4 %
- textile filling and fluff : 1, 6 % + or - 1, 3 %
Lengths interval of the steel fibers :
[1, 00 + or - 0, 02 mm -> 100, 36 + or - 0, 02 mm].
Diameters interval of the steel fibers :
[0, 26 + or - 0, 02 mm -> 4, 73 + or - 0, 02 mm].