Fuel LPG. Fuel Tank Capacity 2.0 L Fuel Consumption : App. 225 g P/H Length : 350 mm Height : 330 mm Width : 150 mm Weight(kg) Empty : 1.5 Kg (Empty)
Specification: Usage: External use or can be used for inhalation: Headache, dizziness, flu, motion sickness. How to use: Rub the oil on both temples and nape, rub into the nostrils, on both sides of the nose. Can be steamed: Put about 1-2 chopsticks of high oil into boiling water to steam when you have a cold. When bitten by mosquitoes and other insects: Rub the ointment on the area of the insect bite.
Tiger Balm White with natural compounds to help treat headaches, stuffy nose, flu symptoms, quickly dissolve insect stings, help relieve muscle aches, sprains and itchiness caused by insect bites. Ingredients: Camphor, Dementholised Mint Oil, Cajuput Oil, Menthol, Clove Oil, Cassia Oil, Yellow Soft Paraffin just enough.
Tiger Balm Red with a natural blend to help relieve headaches, stuffy nose, pain from insect bites, itching, muscle aches, sprains and bloating. Ingredients: Camphor: 25%, Dementholised Mint Oil: 16%, Cajuput Oil: 13%, Menthol: 8%, Clove Oil: 1,5%, Hard Paraffin: 21% v Yellow Soft Paraffin just enough 100%. Reduces headaches, stuffy nose, pain from insect bites, itching, muscle aches, sprains and flatulence.
This product is for external use or can be used for inhalation: Headache, dizziness, flu, motion sickness: Rub the oil on both temples and nape, rub into the nostrils, on both sides of the nose. Can be steamed: Put about 1-2 chopsticks of high oil into boiling water to steam when you have a cold. When bitten by mosquitoes and other insects: Rub the ointment on the area of the insect bite.
PARSLEY (Petroselinum sativum/crispum - Umbelliferae) Parsley is a hardy biennial herb which is native to the eastern Mediterranean. It is thought to have originated in Sardinia, but records show that seeds were imported to Britain from Sardinia in 1548; the plant had already been introduced to northern Europe by the Romans. There are several varieties of the herb. The curly leaved or moss-curled is the one most familiar in Britain as a garnish. The plain- or flat-leaved, continental parsley has heavily divided leaves, but they are not so curly; this is the plant which can be confused with another, Aethusa cynapium or fool's parsley, which is poisonous. Less familiar is the Neapolitan parsley from southern Italy which has thick stalks, eaten in Italy like celery (and, in fact, its French name is 'persil aux jeuilles de cileri'). All parsleys have carrot-shaped roots which can be eaten, but the Hamburg parsley (P. fusiformis) has been developed for its roots rather than its leaves. The common parsleys have dark green leaves, pale yellow-green flowers in umbels, followed by fruit seeds. The name petroselinum comes from the Greek for rock celery, referring to the natural habitat of the plant. Interestingly, selinum is thought to be the same as selinon, the Greek name for celery; the Romans called parsley 'apium', also the botanical name for celery; and French fool's parsley is called ache des chiens, ache also once a name for wild celery. Celery also belongs to the Umbelliferae family, and possibly there have been confusions over the years. The Ancient Egyptians used parsley, as did the Greeks, who crowned victorious soldiers with wreaths of it. Hercules did this after killing the Nemean lion, and thereafter victors in the Nemean and Isthmian games would do the same. They believed that parsley had grown from the blood of a hero, Archemorus, and Homer tells of a victory won by charioteers whose horses had renewed vigour after eating parsley. Parsley grew on Circe's lawn in the Odyssey. Pliny said that no sauce or salad should be without parsley, as did Galen, and both Pliny and Dioscorides thought of it as a diuretic and emmenagogue. Apicius sang its praises too. The Byzantines used it as a diuretic and made a strong infusion to help kidney stones. Charlemagne ordered that it be cultivated in the imperial gardens as a vegetable, and it was eaten at every meal. It also found a place in monastic gardens at this time. More recently, in the nineteenth century research was done on the emmenagogic properties of a constituent of the oil, apiol, by Professor Galligo, and doctors de Poggeschi and Marrotte. These were later confirmed by Dr Leclerc, proving to be truly efficaceous in treating cases of menstrual problems, particularly pain.
Herbal/folk tradition - Onion has an ancient reputation as a curative agent, highly extolled by the schools of Galen and Hippocrates. It is high in vitamins A, B and C and shares many of the properties of garlic, to which it is closely related. Raw onion helps keep colds and infections at bay, promotes strong bones and a good blood supply to all tissues. It acts as an effective blood cleanser that, along with the sulfur it contains, helps to keep the skin clear and in good condition. It has a sound reputation for correcting glandular imbalance and weight problems; it also improves lymphatic drainage, which is often responsible for edema and puffiness. It has long been used as a home simple for a wide range of conditions. Aromatherapy/home use-- Non, due to its offensive smell. Other uses -- used in some pharmaceutical preparations for colds, coughs. The oil is used extensively in most major food categories, especially meats, savories, salad dressings, as well as alcoholic and soft drinks. It is not used in perfumery work. Distribution -- native of Western Asia and the Middle East; it has a long history of cultivation all over the world, mainly for culinary use. The essential oil is produced mainly in France, Germany and Egypt from the red onion. Extraction -- essential oil by steam distillation from the bulb. Characteristics -- a pale yellow or brownish-yellow mobile liquid with strong, unpleasant, sulfur odor with a tear producing effect. Actions -- anthelmintic, anti-microbial, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antisclerotic, antispasmodic, antiviral, antibacterial, carminative, depurative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge.