When discussing Australian commodities, wheat is typically the most well-known of all domestic crops. Sown around March to May across the country, wheat is harvested throughout Spring and Summer and is grown primarily for domestic use and feed-stock.
This food staple is one of Australia�??s most valuable exports and our wheat is known globally for its high-quality appearance and taste, excellence of bulk handling and storage systems and resistance to pests and disease.
Nzac Foods have built close relationships with a wide range of growers across Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland, the states which produce the majority of Australian wheat.
We�??re proud to offer our client the very best pick of the wheat crop, shipped via our integrated transport system to your food processing or commercial premises across the globe.
Whole wheat flour is rich in vitamins, fibres, magnesium, zinc and proteins. The whole wheat has a high content of zinc. It is also a rich source of Vitamin B. It contains a good amount of minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese.