Natural Honey: In addition to its use as a natural sweetener honey is used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent. People commonly use honey orally to treat coughs and topically to treat burns and promote wound healing.
Attribute Natural Honey Honey Products eg Honey Comb Honey Syrup
Color Light amber to dark amber Varies depending on product generally golden brown
Consistency Thick and viscous Varies comb is waxy syrup is more fluid
Odor Characteristic floral scent Similar to honey but can vary with additives
Taste Sweet with floral notes Sweet may have added flavors
pH 34 to 61 Similar to natural honey
Moisture Content 1520 1520 for honeybased products
Viscosity 2000 to 10000 centipoise depends on temperature Lower viscosity for syrups solid for comb
Our beekeepers use sustainable, ethical and hygienic methods of harvesting multiflora honey. In addition, we personally visit our sources directly and oversee the honey harvesting process. BeeKeepers harvest honey only from the sealed comb without harming bees and their broods. So, this way honey bees can restart making honey. A sustainable method! Similarly, they keep the bee boxes in the deep forest and near to the pure water streams for honey bees to make honey. There is no fertilizer or pesticides, it is pure organic honey. Also, they make sure to keep the beeboxes away from the roads. Otherwise, it may create a nuisance to bees which affect their honey-making activities. Beekeepers check all the natural conditions before they set bees for the nectar.
Nutritional Value contains 100 gm