Supplier: Potato, cabbage ,cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin etc and fruits: mango, lychee, dragon, wood apple etc. made garments: jackets and kids wear.
Chinese Cabbage : Chinese cabbage is rich in nutrients, in addition to sugar, fat, protein, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, is still rich in vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin B2 content than apple, pear Respectively, 5 times higher, 4 times; trace elements zinc higher than meat, and can inhibit the absorption of nitrite amine molybdenum Which vitamin C, can increase the body's resistance to infection, for scurvy, gum bleeding, a variety of acute and chronic infectious diseases prevention and treatment. Cabbage contains cellulose, can enhance gastrointestinal motility, reduce the retention time of feces in the body to help digestion and excretion, thereby reducing the burden of liver and kidney to prevent the occurrence of a variety of stomach problems.