Our seasonings collection is deliciously enhanced by a daring blend of organic herbs and spices mixed with our exquisite Flor de Sal (Flower of Salt/Salt Blossom/Felur de Sel). The combination creates a delicate balance that leaves a bold impression, making the salt easy to use for any recipe. Our herbs are grown on certified organic farms. They are timely harvested, carefully dried, and therefore remarkably fresh, and intensely flavored.
Packagings available: Stand up pouche, Glass Jar with cork lid, Ceramic Jar with cork lid, Shakers, etc)
VARIETIES: Flor de Sal with Mediterrenean herbs ; BBQ Flavor, Smoked Flavor; Salt ; Chilli Flavor; Pepper Rose, Lemon Zest, etc
Stinging Nettle whole herb Urtica dioica
High quality dried organic or conventional Stinging nettle herb for wholesale
It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Handmade soaps, creams, ointments, lotions, tonics, facial foams, hair masks, shampoos, face masks, face and body soaps are made on the basis of nettle. Nettle contains many vitamins - vitamin A, C, K. Thanks to them, it has a regenerative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. This plant normalizes blood parameters, improves lipogenesis, has a positive effect on almost all organs and systems of our body.
Country of origin - Ukraine
We offer herb, leaf and root
Artemisia absinthium, herba
High quality dried organic or conventional Absinth wornwood herb for wholesale
Preparations from the plant are used to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. The herb is included in choleretic and appetizing teas. Hamazulene, a substance isolated from wormwood, has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect and is used for X-ray burns, eczema, rheumatism and bronchial asthma.Wormwood is eaten by animals, stimulates appetite and improves digestion, but gives their milk a bitter taste. Bitter wormwood is used in liquor-vodka production to prepare vodka, liqueurs, vermouth, absinthe, but long-term use of such drinks leads to strong excitement of the nervous system. When brewing beer, it is used instead of hops.
Country of origin - Ukraine
Lao dill is a perennial or annual herb (depending on variety) that is known for its wispy, fernlike leaves and flavorful tang and is now widely cultivated in Asia. It is known as an aromatic herb whose seeds and leaves are used in both cooking and preserving foods. Dill seeds are more strongly flavored then leaves and have been traditionally used in pickling and curing. In many cuisines worldwide, its sweet and delicately flavored leaves are used in cooking and baking, often paired most often with fish.
Lao dill is used heavily in Lao cuisine, added as a spice to fish dishes and soups, and so we are seeing more fresh locally grown dill in the farmers markets!
Common Wormwood (mugwort) Artemisia vulgaris
High quality dried Common wormwood for wholesale
The aerial part of the plant is used as a spicy seasoning for various dishes, especially fatty ones. Wormwood is a medicinal plant. The herb is used as a medicinal raw material - leafy flowering tops collected during flowering and dried. Wormwood improves appetite and digestion, has a tonic, sedative, hematopoietic, wound-healing, choleretic and mild laxative effect; improves stomach function and helps with fever.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances
Country of origin - Ukraine
Equisetum arvense, herba
High quality dried organic or conventional Common horsetail herb for wholesale
Horsetail has a positive effect on physical fitness, supports the growth and strengthening of hair, skin and nails. Horsetail supports the health of the urinary system, speeding up the process of excretion of water by the kidneys. It also helps maintain the strength of blood vessel walls. Horsetail extract contains silicon dioxide.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances
Country of origin - Ukraine