1. The CMCI 205 extends the service life or the life span of the reinforced structures, enhances the durability of reinforcement and reduces maintenance costs of structures. 2. It is a Mixed type Corrosion Inhibitor, where it protects both the Anodic & Cathodic sites on the embedded steel surfaces. 3. It reduces the corrosion of reinforcement used in structures. Thus, it increases the strength of structures, extends their life and improves the security of the building or structure over the long term. 4. It protects the reinforcement against chloride attacks, that is responsible for pitting corrosion, especially at marine and offshore aggressive environmental conditions. 5. It is greatly reduces the onset of corrosion by establishing a mono molecular film on metal surfaces against corrosive ions attacks towards reinforced concrete. 6. It can be used with all types of reinforced concrete structures used in foundations, piles, pile caps, basements, tunnels, precast, pre-stressed, water reservoirs, pools, splash zones, marine and all types of concrete super and sub structure units. 7. It is compatible and it can be used in conjunction with all types of cement, fly ash, GGBS, microsilica, fibers and water proofing admixtures in the concrete mix. 8. It is water based, water based, organic and inorganic unique combined blend of group of corrosion inhibitors. 9. The CMCI 205 generally doubled the time to the onset of corrosion. 10. It used at low dosage (2 liters/m3) where it does not negatively alter or effect the physical properties of concrete mix.
The CORI is the product for the direct reduction unit: First, it will be stored in product passivation silos, its transportation by conveyors. After that, it will be stored in the warehouse for further use. Production rate fo312 T/H. Assuming 8,000 hours of annual operation, this equates to in annual production of 2,500,000 tonnes. -IRON: (Rod a Benton):Hot-rolled product in multipurpose steel for high-adherence construction, weldable in RB 500 grade. NA 8634(2015) and ISO 6935-2 (2015). Diameter: A wide range of diameters: 8,10,12, 14, 16,20,25,32,40 mm. Length :12m (-0mm +100mm) with the possibility of making specific lengths of less than 12m according to customer demand for diameters ranging from 8mm to 16mm. 12m to 18m for diameters ranging from 16mm to 40mm. Marking : A specific AQS marking is engraved on the rebar bars for the diameters: 8,10,12,14,16mm And the identifying code AQS-diameter-RB500 for the diameters: 16,20,25,32,40mm - Portland Cement 42.5 (Bags, Bulk) -Wire rod: of round section with a diameter varying between 5.5 mm to 14 mm, of high quality. The round and smooth wire rod is obtained by hot rolling in accordance with the Algerian standard an 8634 and according to international standards.-The Fields Of Use Of Wire Rod Are As Follows:- Drawn Wire-Welded Mesh-Nail, Tie Wire, Galvanized Wire- Gabions- Barbed Wire-Spring Wire- Bolt-Nut-Screw- Paperclips-Pickup Wire-Welding Wire -BILLET: A billet is a section of metal used to roll into bars and shapes. It can be produced with ingots or directly by continuous casting. Billets are used as raw materials or for extrusion, forging, rolling and other metal processing operations.
Aggregates are mixtures of sand, gravel, crushed rock or other bulk minerals used in construction, principally as a component of concrete, and in civil engineering. At CEMENTATION we supply aggregates for a range of core applications, from fill materials to aggregates that can be used in concrete, precast concrete, asphalt and for surface dressing. Aggregate plays an important role in concrete and construction part. We supply quality material which makes durable concrete with higher compressive strength and low permeability having better finish. We can supply a wide range of coarse, fine and blended aggregates in accordance with international standards. We acquire rock mines and stone crushing plants and enable us to fulfil contract of any size. Progressive stages if crushing and screening enable us to produce a range of aggregate sizes (06mm to 65mm) APPLICATIONS Road and Highway surfaces Constructions or Civil work Railway Ballast To make Concrete or Asphalt Filling
The Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS/GGBFS) is a type of eco-friendly green building material and high quality secondary cementitious material for concrete and cement. It is recognized as one of the best secondary cementations material for building high durable concrete stricture in the world today! GGBS has taken over a top place of high-performance cement and concrete mineral additives with its unique characteristics of hydration, low-price raw material. GGBS is obtained by quenching molten iron blast furnace slag (a by-product of iron and steel making) in water or steam. It is then further grounded into the desired fineness in terms of the required particle size distribution. The main components of blast furnace slag are CaO (30-50%), SiO2 (28-38%), Al2O3 (8-24%), and MgO (1-18%). The other important aspect of GGBS is its superiority in concrete durability which extends the lifespan of buildings from fifty years to a hundred years. APPLICATIONS Soil stabilization Mortar Used in combination with Portland cement Pre-cast concrete Ready mix concrete Specialist projects
Feldspar is the name given to a group of minerals distinguished by the presence of alumina and silica (SiO2) in their chemistry. This group includes aluminum silicates of soda, potassium, or lime. It is the single most abundant mineral group on Earth. They account for an estimated 60% of exposed rocks, as well as soils, clays, and other unconsolidated sediments, and are principal components in rock classification schemes. The minerals included in this group are the orthoclase, microcline and plagioclase feldspars. APPLICATIONS Glass making Ceramics Porcelain Electrodes Abrasion We at CEMENTATION produce Feldspar of minerals containing Potassium and Sodium. Our supply is available in Lumps, Granules and Powder form.
Quartz is the most abundant and most common mineral on the Earth. It is found in almost every geological environment and also it is at least a component of almost every rock type. It has a hexagonal crystal structure and is made of trigonal crystallized silica. It is most varied in terms of varieties, colours and forms. The most important distinction between the types of quartz is that one is of macro crystalline, which is individual crystal visible to the unaided eye, and the other is microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline varieties, aggregates of crystals visible only under high magnification. Chalcedony is the generic term for cryptocrystalline quartz. The transparent variety tends to be microcrystalline and the cryptocrystalline varieties are either translucent or mostly opaque.
Bauxite is a naturally occurring mineral comprising mainly of aluminium hydroxides (the trihydrate Gibbsite Al(OH)3and the AlOOH monohydrate polymorphs boehmite and diaspore), with other components in the mineral typically being silica, iron oxide, titania and aluminosilicates (clay etc). It’s a rock from Laterite soil and it is a primary Ore of Aluminium. Properties of Bauxite include low iron content; a high Polished Stone Value (PSV) for high friction surfacing applications; a high melting point and density. APPLICATIONS Gunning materials High friction surfacing Minerals for abrasion Refractory castables Mouldable and Ramming Mixes Refractory mineral blends CEMENTATION believes in supplying quality bauxite with consistency to its customers across the world, according to their needs.
1 101-68-8 4,4'-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate 2 9016-00-6 Poly(dimethylsiloxane) 3 26471-62-5 Tolylene diisocyanate 4 100-42-5 Styrene 5 141-32-2 Butyl acrylate 6 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile 7 106-99-0 Buta-1,3-diene 8 75-38-7 1,1-difluoroethylene 9 9-38-9 Chlorotrifluoroethylene 10 111-44-4 2,2'-Dichlorodiethyl ether 11 1187-93-5 Trifluoromethyl trifluorovinyl ether 12 21645-51-2 Aluminum hydroxide 13 116-14-3 Tetrafluoroethene 14 116-15-4 Hexafluoropropylene 15 126-99-8 Chloroprene 16 103-11-7 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate 17 140-88-5 Ethyl acrylate 18 78-79-5 Isoprene 19 96-33-3 Methyl acrylate 20 1300-21-6 Dichloroethane
This is chemical setting Furan based chemical resistant mortar which is combination of Liquid and Powder, when mixed in proper proportion from workable mortar which after setting and curing give of liquid and give black highly cross linked composites. Furan When set and cured is resistant to highly corrosive acids, alkalis and to powerful organic solvents such as ketones, Aromatic and Chlorinated solvents. It has extreme resistant to Acidic & alkalis, Salts, Greases and Detergents. It resists to Organic & Inorganic acids at their boiling temperature. It is suitable against mild chlorine Gas (dry) phosphorous trichloride, pyridine at room temperature. Furan is especially useful where resistance to mixed media such as aqueous acids /alkalis and organic solvents is needed in chemical plant process and waste streams. Carbon filled Furan is used against corrosive effect of hydrofluoric acid & its salts. PREPARATION OF FURANE MORTAR : Mortar consist of Furan solution and Furan powder. The average mixing ratio necessary to obtain mortar with good working consistency is 1 part by weight Solution & 3 part by weight powder. The ratio will vary slightly depending on temperature and working conditions.Stir the liquid thoroughly before using. Place liquid in a suitable shallow mixing pan. Add powder by weight in the solution mix thoroughly and rapidly until all lumps are dispersed and the mortar is completely homogenous. Spread out the mortar in a thin layer, not more than ¾ thick, to dissipate the heat of reaction and lengthen the working life. Batch size can be varied depending upon the temperature and the speed with which the masons are working. Very large batches will become stiff quite rapidly. Make sure that all the Furan Motrar is used from the pan before another batch is mixed.When working at temperature above 40 C, very small batches not more than 2 Kgs, should be prepared. When working at temperature below 15C the liquid should be kept warm.