Looking for suppliers from:
Africa except Asia, South America, Europe
Product Description
The buyer would like to receive quotations for -
Product: Live Stock
- Multi Barberan Sheep Ewes and One Barberan Ram from Africa
- Multi Barberan Goats Ewes from any African country
- Multi Local Milking Cows from any African country
- Multi Local Milking Camels from any African country
- Multi Milking Buffalos and One Buffalo Bull from any Africa country
- Multi Jersey Cows and Jersey Bull from South Africa
- Multi Friesian Cows and Friesian Bull from South Africa
- Multi Boer Goat Ewes and One Ram from South Africa
- Multi Kalahari Goat Ewes and One Ram from South Africa
- Multi Dorper Sheep Ewes and Rams from South Africa
- Multi Van Roy Sheep Ewes and Rams from South Africa