Sorbet Ice Cream Premix - 1 kg add in 3 litre warm water properly mix and in churner machine and make ice sorbet creams. Sorbet Ice cream Is available in 45 flavors.
1 kg Waffle Premix in 650 ml warm water make smooth batter and required batter as per size spread on waffle machine bake for 3-5 minutes at 180 degree. Waffle Premix available in 30 flavors.
Waffle Cone Premix available in 30 flavors.
Kulfi Premix available in 45 flavors. 1 kg Premix in 4 litre hot milk properly dissolve and make kulfi.
Soft Serve Premix - 1 kg Premix in 5 litre cream milk properly mix it for 5 minutes and put in softy machine and make softy ice cream. soft serve available in 45 flavors . Instead of milk water Base Soft Serve is also available.
We are Providing Ice cream and Dessert premix like - ice cream Premix, thick shake, Gelato etc. Production in as per required flavor and Packets.
Gelato Ice Cream Premix - 1 kg Premix in 3 litre cream milk and 300 g cream properly dissolve it for 5 minutes and put in churner or batch freezer machine and make gelato ice cream Gelato Premix available in 45 flvavors.
Thick Shakes Premix Powder
Waffle Cone Premix Powder