Strong branching plant. Very good tolerance to YVMV & ELCV. Fruit length - 12 - 14 cm Fruit color - Dark green glossy Fruit shape - Long tapering Fruit ridges - 5-6 Good yielding
First Picking - 40 to 42 days, Plant Type - Strong Plant, Fruit Colour - Dark green, Fruit Length - 18 to 20 cm, Fruit Diameter - 4 to 5 cm, Fruit Weight - 200 to 250 gm, Fruit Skin - Smooth, High yield & good quality.
Compact head, high field holding capacity, Foliage - Light Green, Head maturity after transplanting - 60 to 65 days, Average head weight - 1 to 1.25 kg, Field holding capacity - Excellent, Special feature - Resistance to Black rot & Soft rot.
Plant Habit: Semi Determinate, Fruit Weight: 100-110gm, Fruit Shape: Round, Very good fruit quality, Good TLCV tolerance and good for long distance transport.
Plant Habit - Strong Plant With Dense foliage, Maturity - 75-80 days, Curd Shape - Semi Dome, Curd Colour - Pure white, Curd Wt. - 1 to 1.5 kg, Suit. Season - Mid Aug. to Mid Dec., Remarks - Excellent Quality.
Plant Habit: Strong, Fruit Weight: 1.5-2 Kg, Fruit Shape: 75% Oblong, Very good fruit quality, Reddish Orange flesh, Good tolerance to PMV and good for long distance transport.
High yielding ,big fruit, compact red flesh, Maturity after transplanting - 65 to 70 days, Fruit shape - Oblong, Average weight - 3.5 to 4.5 Kg, Special feature - Highly suitable for transportation, Very good Sweetness, Small Brown Seeds.
Yellow colored Marigold, Plant - Bushy plant, 3 to 3.5 ft. height dense canopy with high flower setting, Flower - Good colour, fully double petaled very compact, 10 to 12 cm diameter, Harvesting - 55 to 60 days, Season - Rainy, Winter & Early summer, Remarks - Very good Keeping Quality,
Orange colored marigold, Flower Type - Kalkatta- Firm & Compact, Flower Color - Deep Orange, Plant - Bushy plant, 3 to 3.5 ft. height dense canopy with high flower setting, Flower - Good colour, fully double petaled very compact, 10 to 12 cm diameter, Harvesting - 55 to 60 days, Remarks - Medium Tall, Bushy Plants, very good keeping quality.
Dark green sponge gourd , black seed Plant Habit - Dark Green & Vigorous Harvest Starts - 45 to 50 days Fruit Shape - Long Slender Fruit Colour - Dark Green Fruit Length - 25 to 30 cm Fruit Weight - 100 to 120 gm Special Features - Widely adaptable Seed Colour- Black