Orange : Orange color is bright, sweet and sour, generally orange, is one of the most common fruit in people's life, peel can be used as medicine. Orange sweet acid, warm, into the lungs. The main treatment of chest stagnation, vomiting, Eat less, stomach yin deficiency, mouth thirst, Hyperactivity cough and excessive drinking. With appetizers, thirst quencher lungs effect. Orange nutrition is also very rich, an orange almost every day to meet the human body needs vitamin C content. And the orange contains more than 170 kinds of plant compounds and more than 60 kinds of flavonoids, most of which are natural antioxidants. Organs rich in nutrients are hypolipidemic, anti-atherosclerosis and other effects, the prevention of cardiovascular disease in the great benefit. Juice contains a substance called "Norlylin", with the ability to inhibit and kill cancer cells, the prevention of gastric cancer. Orange peel was orange-red, flesh was granular, and grapefruit is very similar. Orange peel thin meat, juicy sweet and sour, peeled orange orange water can overflow. Citrus fruit nutrient-rich, color and flavor and excellent, both fresh, but also processed into a variety of fruit juice-based processing products. Citrus production is the first of the fruit, citrus juice accounted for 3/4 of the juice, widely favored by consumers. According to the Central Health Research Institute, citrus per 100 grams of edible parts, containing 0.05 mg of riboflavin, 0.3 mg of niacin, 16 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 0.9 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 12 g of sugar, 0.2 grams of fiber, 0.4 grams of inorganic salts, 26 mg of calcium, 15 mg of phosphorus, 0.2 milligrams of iron, and 221.9 joules of calories. Orange carotene (vitamin A original) content after apricot, higher than other fruits.
We are exporting fresh oranges to different destinations worldwide. Navel orange: November to March, Valencia orange: February to May, Baladi orange: November to March. Sizes : 42/ 48/ 56/ 64/ 72/ 80/ 88/ 100/ 105/ 113/ 125. Packing: 15 telescopic or open-top cartons, 8 kg and big bins of 600 kg. Our brand CAIRO achieved great fame around the world.
We can grow, pack & ship on long-term contractual basis your required Vegetables & Fruits. Farming more than 1,000 hectares year-round and with a large group of highly qualified and experienced Qualipac affiliated growers in every corner of , we look forward hearing from you if you are interested in establishing long-term contractual production and supply arrangements for supply at steady, none domestic and/or global subjected volatile and mutual agreeable prices.
Good day, We are a wholesale of fruits and vegetables suppliers. At the moment we can offer table grapes of Quality I, delivered from the Republic of Moldova, at a very attractive price. Also we are importing soon parsley and dill of Quality I from Uzbekistan. Our company is taking care of all the required documentation and delivery to potential interested customers. We take full responsibility for the quality of the product from the sending and until its arrival at the destination.
fruit, vegetable