Supplier: Carob Flour
Supplier: Biscuits, crackers, carob, carob flour
Ecologically clean. Gmo free Coarse flour spelled - flour einkorn wheat is ground on a stone grinder and spelled itself is manufactured in the rhodope mountains in ecologically clean region Buckwheat flour Flour rosehip Flour nettle Millet flour Apple flour Rice flour Carob flour Sesame flour Flax flour
Supplier: Olive oil, thyme, carob, thyme oil, sage , bay leaf, olive leaf tea, thyme tea, carob flour
Supplier: Himalayan pink & black salt, honey, aronia, chokeberry juice, jams with fructose, without added sugar, preservatives, chemicals, gmo free, flours, coarse flour spelled, buckwheat flour, flour rosehip, flour nettle, millet flour, apple flour, rice flour, carob flour, sesame flour, flax flour, wheat bulgur, einkorn wheat, bran einkorn, rose water for drinking, zeolite water. Cold pressed natural oils, high quality pectin, pectin candy
Rice flour is most commonly used in baby food, soup and milky desserts like custard, rice pudding.
With its thickening feature, Corn Starch is mostly used in recipes of sauces, puddings, baklava and various bakery&confectionery.
We have developed product lines of himalayan salt and see salt with 7 different mixtures of spices in grinders. We have opportunity for packing with private labels. Himalayan salt with multicolored pepper Himalayan salt with oregano and thyme Himalayan salt with mediterranean mix Himalayan salt with lemon pepper Himalayan salt with basil Himalayan salt with spices for grill Himalayan salt with chilly