All types of leather bags, wallet (Women and Men), laptop bags, Vintage quality Bag, Ladies hand bag, Full Grain for best quality leather handbag, Split grain Leather bag, Bison grade of leather bag, Goat leather bags, Faux leather bag. Different design and models. Meta chain, lether strap, adjustable strap, Big pocket and side pockets, Front side pockets, slim fit and carry bags.
I am Vishwabodh Gautam from India, representing a manufacturing and exporting company specializing in customized Leather Goods & Accessory category etc. We possess the expertise to create designs tailored to your specific requirements.
If you are interested in collaborating with us, kindly provide your technical design files (tech pack sheet) to initiate the production process for your inquiry. We provide competitive quotations and meeting your requirements promptly. Additionally, please confirm the minimum order quantity (MOQ) and payment terms.
Crafted from full-grain leather, the UrbanEdge Wallet boasts a classic style with modern convenience. Featuring multiple pockets to store cards, coins, and cash, this attractive and compelling wallet makes an ideal companion for everyday use.
Stylish women's leather jacket. Crafted with premium genuine leather for durability and a chic look. Features a flattering fit, quality stitching, and a versatile design. Ideal for any season, offering both fashion and functionality. Perfect for a polished and confident appearance.