Southmatea white honey Enjoy the delicious taste and health benefits of unpasteurized creamed honey. We start by carefully crystallizing our Raw Honey and churning it to make a smooth, soft, creamy
spread that will keep your sweet tooth satisfied.
So, not only is it creamier and more spreadable than clear honey, it is
also better for you and more full flavored. It is a natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and it aids digestion.
Best of all, is the incredible flavor it adds when spread on toast,
English muffins, in tea or anywhere you would like to add the sweet
goodness of all natural honey to what you eat or drink in good health.
- Ingredients: Honey 100%.
- No Sugar
- No Additives
- All-Natural Components
- Multiflowered honey
- Raw Liquid and Raw Creamy
- 250gr - 1 Kg. - 28 Kg.
South Kazakhstan wildflower
100% natural honey
Highland Pure
Cotton and Akkuray
Monoflower non-allergic
Halal certificate
Made in KZ
lab tests and vet tests
The innovation of Honey Lady Bee Queen will be the product "Creamy Honey To Spread" In Colombia, honey is generally marketed in liquid or crystallized form, and is mainly intended for special uses such as pharmaceutical use or as a remedy to remove cough
or help with colds, is currently not a product that ordinary people use daily despite its health to use it because it has been a great shield against this lethal virus that attacks all of humanity, thanks to this situation, honey is gaining recognition in food use and applied to the general well-being of human beings.
It is there where Honey Lady Bee Queen
captures the opportunity through various interviews
with honey consumers and clients, that liquid honey
for many is not the favorite because it tends to be
"sticky" or "drip" easily, this said literally in colloquial
terms, That is why our great innovation is the
The purpose of our innovative factor is the
elaboration of a product called cream honey, which
stable over time and allows it to be used as a spread
without spilling the product, in addition to maintaining
the qualities achieved in time. Between honey as raw
material and freshly made cream honey, there was
weight. Colombia and consumers are not taking
advantage of other beekeeping products to the best
of their ability, nor are they taking advantage of in
their real dimension the contribution of bees in the
pollination of crops, widely valued in other European
countries, where In fact they are a great source of
wealth. Due to this, we have looked for other options
to be able to commercialize it, and encourage the
consumption of its daily consumption as a natural
sweetener in food and healing / age reversal in body
and facial skin, for no one is a secret the multiple uses
At HONEY LADY BEE QUEEN we want to turn our clients into loyal followers of bees, recognizing and supporting that by consuming their honey and derivatives they are protecting them as they deserve, which is like the most important being on the planet. In addition to this, it makes our brand different because our high mountain honey is the honey collected by bees in altitudes higher than 1500m and 1800m with dominance of wild blooms. High mountain honey is more or less dark in color. The aroma of mountain honey is intense and persistent (similar to a forest in autumn) and a pronounced taste methods are the same as 4 generations ago, and honey has a natural crystallization process, we follow the tradition of my ancestors avoiding it by heating the honey in a water bath.
South Kazakhstan wildflower
100% natural honey
Highland Pure Creamy
Halal certificate
Made in KZ
lab tests and vet tests
Controlled from beebreeding step by step till the final result.
100% natural premium sainfoin white honey from Kara-Kulja apiaries. For several years in a row, the best beekeepers have recognized this variety of honey from Kyrgyzstan as the best in the world at prestigious world exhibitions. Kara-Kulja Honey won a bronze medal for quality
* - Price depends on quantity and shipping requirements. Please contact us for exact pricing.