Moulded Rotor
Rotor 8600
Rotor 5314
5514 rotor
The company produce highest quality rotor blades for various reputed global companies both domestic & international. Rotor blades production is manufactured to the highest international standards. Supertech Engineers consistently provides value to our customers with quality products and services that meet their highest expectations. Customers satisfaction is the focus of a living quality management system.
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22100-17640 1330 Head&Rotor 4Cyl 22100-58890 1240 Head&Rotor 6Cyl 22140-17810 1700 Head&Rotor 4Cyl 22140-67040 1451 Head&Rotor 4Cyl 7123-340R 7123-340R Head&Rotor 4Cyl 7123-340S 7123-340S Head&Rotor 4Cyl 7123-340U 7123/340U Head&Rotor 6Cyl 7123-345U 7123/345U Head&Rotor 6Cyl 7123-909T 7123-909T Head&Rotor 6Cyl 7123-909U 7123-909U Head&Rotor 4Cyl 7139-130T 7139-130T Head&Rotor 6Cyl 7139-360U 7139/360U Head&Rotor 3Cyl 7139-764S 7139-764S Head&Rotor 3Cyl 7139-764T 7139-764T Head&Rotor 6Cyl 7180-571T 7180-571T Head&Rotor 6Cyl 7180-678S 7180-678S.
China lutong parts plant.
Head rotor. Standard packing.
Zibo Miaochuan Auto Parts Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and exporter for brake parts with more than 10 years experience in this field. With technical research, development and production, the company mainly products brake rotors, brake drums and so on.