Ecopure are the bio blends for the growers looking to push the boundaries for highest yields possible. - Makes biodegradable netting , helps plant structural support without environmental impact. - Reduces harmful components from soil to avoid diseases in plant - Retains fertility of soil n maintain nutrient cycle. - Enriches soil with essential nutrients and useful microorganisms necessary for plant growth
OSA cinsists of a stabilized and bio-available form of silicic acid. It is a highly plant available and bio-active product that has positive effects on the plant. That results in a better harvest: higher yield and better quality. It is a proprietary organic biomix containing highly bioavailable micro and macro nuterients. It is a pure, highly concentrated formula with fast visible effects. COMPOSITION: OSA POWDER Soluble silica 3.5+-0.1 % Nutritional : Increased and more balanced uptake of nutrients Helps the plant to allow a better and more even flow of nutrients throughout the plant circulatory system Strength : Strengthen your plants inside out, Thicker stalks & stems, more lateral branching and better nutrient availability Key Benefits Carry sturdier fruits with higher nutritional value and a longer shelf-life Leaves no residual effect practically invulnerable to attacks by pests or fungi More resistant to high temperatures More resistant to stress caused by high concentrations of salts in the substrate Have more active photosynthesis Are better and more equally mineralised, which minimizes the chance of plant deficiencies. Dosage & Direction of use: 1. OSA Liquid Crops - Fruits and Vegetable Method - Spraying Diluation - 2 to 2.5/1 liter of water Method of application - Formulated spray directly to crop,Make sure to spray on 9 to 15 days interval depending on the growth of crop 2 . OSA Powder Crops - Fruits and Vegetable/ Rice Method - Soil Application Diluation - 3 kg/acre Method of application - mix with fertilizer apply at time of application 3. Crops - Banana/ Sugarcane Method - Soil Application Diluation - 6 kg/acre Method of application - mix with fertilizer apply at time of application
Nematic is non toxic product. It effectively controls root knot nematodes which is a major problem in most of areas. It also helps to defend themselves against soil borne pathogens and disease. Plants treated with Nematic developes a strong resistance against infection from nematodes and thus improving their flowering and fruiting strength. Composition: Non toxic chemical, Solvents and stabilizers Nematic has helped thousands of organic growers, Gardeners, Farmers, Winery owners, Landscapers globally. Nematic is non-toxic and environmentally safe. Stimulating root growth and plant health, Nematode Control works hard to: Minimize root knots and egg hatchings of phytonematode Minimize soil pathogens and various impediments caused from soil and climate factors Enhances plant disease resistance Features Does not create resistance, resurgence and residues problem. Does not affect the natural enemies and so, offers a long lasting pest control. Forms a good molecule for use in IPM programme (Integrated Pest management programme) and thereby helps to reduce the pesticide load. Benefits Controls effectively the economically important nematodes like root knot nematodes, Burrowing nematodes, cyst nematodes, lesion nematodes etc., among wide range of crops. Helps to increase the productivity by containing the nematode pests Dosage & Direction of use 1. Types of Nematodes - Cyst Nematodes Crops - Crops at risk Include Wheat, potato Sugar beet and beet root DOSAGE (gm or ml)/ ACRE - 1000 ml WATER VOLUME (in Lt) / ACRE - 2-3 ml in one litter of water STAGE OF THE CROP AT APPLICATION - Use around plants root zone, apply from plant trunk to dripline to cover at the soil area 2. Types of Nematodes - Root Knot Nematodes Crops - Pomegranate, Orange, Chilli, Onion, Vegetable DOSAGE (gm or ml)/ ACRE - 1000 ml WATER VOLUME (in Lt) / ACRE - 2-3 ml in one litter of water STAGE OF THE CROP AT APPLICATION - Use around plants root zone, apply from plant trunk to dripline to cover at the soil area 3. Types of Nematodes - Stubby Root nematodes Crops - Potato, Sugar beet, Onion, Carrot and Vegetable DOSAGE (gm or ml)/ ACRE - 1000 ml WATER VOLUME (in Lt) / ACRE - 2-3 ml in one litter of water STAGE OF THE CROP AT APPLICATION - Use around plants root zone, apply from plant trunk to dripline to cover at the soil area
Zn 39.5% XENON-700 dissolves rapidly and completely. Reccomended for early spring until fruit setting and as post-harvest treatment. The high level of Zinc in formula improves growth of new healthy roots, vigorous shoots and flower buds. Mainly used to prevent and correct Zinc deficiency in most agricultural, horticultural and ornamental crops. Recommended for foliar application Key Features/Benefits Requires very low dosage with better zinc nutrition. Nanoparticles supports rapid absorption. It can be used mixed tank with agrochemicals. Boosts chloroplast & enzyme production, Promotes growth hormone production & internodes elongation Dosage & Application Cereals, Vegetables : 0.5-1.0ml/l water 30-35 days after sowing and repeat at 40-45 days after sowing. Cotton, Pulses : 0.3 to 1 /ha 3 to 4 weeks after emergence. Repeat as required with 10 to 14 days between treatments. Tubers & root crops : Spray 1 to 1.5 ml/litre water 30-35 days after planting. Sugar Cane : Spray 0.5-1.0mi/litre water firstly 45 days after planting stage and secondly 90 days after planting stage. Apple : First application at petal fall stage @ 1ml/litre water (Foliar), Second application post harvest @1 ml/litre water (Foliar).
(NPK 00:42:47 + Fe 2.8%) Concentrated powder fertilizer The FERTEEZ (NPK 00:42:47 + Fe 2.8%) is a blend of phosphates & Iron, with potassium binding Helps in Iron uptake, there by enhances photosynthesis. It maximizes crop response at critical growth stages. This formula helps to optimize initial growth and stimulate the production of high quality crops fruits. The combination of quick-release phosphates with slow release potash, promotes exceptional growth early on, and plants continue flourishing through reproductive stages. Key Features /Benefits: Stimulates early growth. Facilitates iron uptake, even in the presence of fluctuating pH levels. Less chlorosis. Promotes superior absorption and nutrients translocation within the plant. FERTEEZ Booger recommended for Row Crops, cereals, Vegetable Crops, Fruit and Nut Crops, Ornamentals and Turf. Provides steady source of essential nutrients. Reduced risk of leaf burn. Greater efficiency in the presence of UV disinfection due to enhanced transmission and less deterioration. Reduced risk of soil salinization and nutrient toxicity. Less precipitation in the irrigation system and better phosphate uptake. Can be applied with other nutrients, pesticides, or fungicides Dosage & Application : Soil application - 7.5 Kg per hectare through drip Foliar spray - 400 gm in 200 litres of water
(NPK 19:19:19) It is a proper blend of water soluble fertilizers N,P & K. This balanced formula contains a high availability, stabilized grade of derivatives that will achieve complete absorption very fast. It is a multi-purpose blend recommended for Row Crops, Pasture, Vegetable Crops, Fruit and Nut Crops, Ornamentals and Turf. It is ideal for pivot and drip irrigation systems & ground application. Product Characteristic: Compatible with chemical pesticides & fertilizers Significantly reduces the dependency on chemical fertilizer Ecofriendly & well researched formula Key Features /Benefits: Provides all major nutrients N-P-K in a balanced ratio to the plants Promote vegetative growth and reproductive growth of crops. Prevent leaf chlorosis, promote photosynthesis. Enhance crops resistance to stress of drought, cold and high temperature. Promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, and increase the oxygen content in soil. Increase yield and improve quality Dosage & Application : Drip irrigation - 3125 ml/ha. Apply 2- times in growing period, at intervals of 20-25 days Foliar spray - 2- 2.5 ml/ltr of water, apply 2-3 times in growing period, at intervals of 15-20 days depends on crop stage
Zinc 17% HEDP ZENO PLUS dissolves rapidly and completely. Recommended for early spring until fruit setting and as post-harvest treatment. The high level of Zinc in formula improves growth of new healthy roots, vigorous shoots and flower buds. Mainly used to prevent and correct zinc deficiency in most agricultural, horticultural and ornamental crops. Recommended for foliar application. Composition: Zinc (as Zn) per cent by weight, minimum in the form of Zn-HEDP 17.0 Lead (as Pb) per cent by weight maximum 0.003 Arsenic (as As) per cent by weight maximum 0.01 Cadmium (as Cd) per cent by weight maximum 0.0025 Key Features/Benefits: Requires very low dosage with better zinc nutrition. Micro particles supports rapid absorption. It can be used mixed tank with agrochemicals. Promotes nitrogen metabolism and produces protein and starch. Boosts chloroplast & enzyme production. Promotes growth hormone production & internodes elongation Dosage & Application: Crop Application date Kg/acre Kg /ha Vegetables/Flowers 2-3 applications: During 4-6 leaves stage During vegetative growth 0.5 - 1.0 1.25 - 2.50 Fruit crops 3 applications: During plant establishment During vegetative growth 0.75 - 1.00 2.00 - 2.50 Cereals and Pulses 3 applications: During flower bud opening During fruit filling During post harvest period 0.5 - 1.0 1.25 - 2.50
Boron Ethanolamine 10% DyBor is a liquid fertilizer carrier of boron (B) in the form of boron ethanolamine which provides and maintains the levels of boron. DyBor is readily absorbed through plant leaves, shoots, roots and reproductive structures. The product is concentrated and only a small amount is needed. When properly used, it promotes greater crop health and higher yields whenever boron availability is limiting crop performance. It is particularly suitable both for foliar and root applications Composition: Boron (as B) per cent by weight, minimum 10% pH 8.5 +/- Lead (as Pb) per cent by weight maximum 0.003% Arsenic (as As) per cent by weight maximum 0.01% Cadmium (as Cd) per cent by weight maximum 0.0025% Benefits: Recommended for the preventive and curative control of insufficiency due to deficiency or poor assimilation of Boron. Essential in the activity growing regions of plants, such as root tips, and leaf and bud development. Required in large amount during reproductive stage of plant also the production of pollen and fertilization. Promotes calcium mobility and assimilation particularly in the binding of calcium to form cell walls and membranes of plant. Increases sugar transports by photosynthesis in mature plant leaves to actively in developing fruits. Plays an important role in regulating hormone levels in plants for Flower initiation, fruit development, cell wall and tissue formation, and root elongation. Recommended for Some crop-specific boron deficiency symptoms include crooked stem in celery, hollow heart in peanut, corky core in apple, rosetting (terminal bud dieback) in alfalfa and cotton and heart rot in sugar beet. Dosage & Application : 1. Crop Cereals, pulses & oilseeds ml / litter of water - 1 to 1.5 Time of application - First spray at 35-40 days after sowing/transplanting. And the second spray 15 days later. If required, give third spray 15 days later 2 . Crop Commercial crops & Vegetable crops ml / litter of water -2 Time of application - First spray at 45-50 days after planting/sowing with 1-2 follow up sprays at 15 days interval 3 .Crop Plantation Crops ml / litter of water - 2.5 Time of application - First spray during May with 1-2 follow up sprays at 15 days interval. If there is a break in monsoon, apply once.
(Amino Chelated Gr-II) Powder and Liquid REMONE is formulated with water-soluble nutrients that are in a plant-available form. It provides plant essential micronutrients plus an additional boost of nitrogen in an easy to use concentrate. It's ideal for correcting nutrient deficiencies in vegetable gardens, field crops, fruit trees, vines and turf grasses through foliar applications. The supply of micronutrients to the plants has become need of the hour to achieve maximum productivity. This combination of nutrients stimulate faster fruit growth and colouring. This allows growers to harvest fruit sooner and obtain premium early market prices. Composition: Copper(Cu) : 1.0% Manganese(Mn) : 1.0% Ferrous(Fe) : 2.5% Zinc(Zn) : 3.0% Boron(B) : 0.5% Molybdenum(Mo) : 0.1% Total Nitrogen(N) : 1.5% Benefits: Supports entire plant cycle including physiological & biochemical activities. Stimulates cell development, thereby speed up maturity time. Stimulates chlorophyll production. Improves resistance to disease, drought and stress. Improves fruit set & bud retention. Increases trunk girth, lateral developmeit & vertical growth. Detoxifies the effects of heavy metal in nutrition also helps plants to overcome through adverse effects of weedicides & insecticides in plant metabolism. It is free from sodium ions, have no adverse effects in higher doses also. Dosage & Application: Foliar Spray : 2.5 to 5ml/lit of water(First add Remone in water then add other ingredients) after 15 days of plantation & repeat doses after every 15 days till the end of the harvests for all crops
FERTEEZ CALMAX (Calcium 11%) CALMAX is specifically designed to provide Calcium to fruit and vegetable crops more efficiently than other forms of Calcium. It aids rapidly to fix deficiency symptoms and improve yield and quality potential of crop. Effectively supplements calcium to improve cell wall structure, cell elongation, photosynthesis and stomata regulation, leading to superior quality produce with less rejection ratio. A healthy level of calcium in the soil improves soil quality and longevity long-term. Calcium helps to balance salt levels, and improve the movement of water through the soil. This will further help crops resist saline toxicity and water more effectively. Composition: Calcium as (Calcium glucomated) per cent by weight, minimum 11 pH 9.5 +/- Specific gravity (kg/l) 1.3 - 1.4 Benefits: Corrects or prevents calcium deficiency, stunted growth, and reduced yields. Promotes strong plant cell growth & fastens the cell division process esp. in those rapid growers such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and plantation crops. Improves resistance to stress, drought and disease. Balances soil salinity. Improves water penetration through soil. Easy to apply at planting or throughout the growing season. Easy to apply with other nutrients Dosage & Application 1. Crop - Wheat, Rice Dosage - 2 ml/ litter of water 2 ml/ litter of water Stage of Crop for Product Use - At vegetative growth stage At the time of panicle /Hair head initiation 2 . Crop - Black Gram, Green Gram, Cowpea, Chickpea, Soybean Dosage - 2 ml/ litter of water 2 ml/ litter of water Stage of Crop for Product Use - At vegetative growth stage. At the time of pod setting stage 3 .Crop - French Bean, Cowpea, Lentils, Cluster Bean Dosage - 2 ml/ litter of water 2 ml/ litter of water Stage of Crop for Product Use - At the time of flowering. At pod setting stage 4 . Crop - Lettuce, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli Dosage - 2 ml/ litter of water 2 ml/ litter of water Stage of Crop for Product Use - At the vegetative growth stage. At the time of fruiting body formation stage 5 . Crop - Brinjal, Capsicum, Guards, Melons, Gherkin and Cucurbits, Tomato, Okra, Chillis Dosage - 2 ml/ litter of water 2 ml/ litter of water Stage of Crop for Product Use - At the time of Flower initiation to flowering stage. After every picking of fruits 6 . Crop - Tea, Coffee, Coco, all flowers Dosage - 2 ml/ litter of water 2 ml/ litter of water Stage of Crop for Product Use - At vegetative growth stage 7 . Crop - Cotton Dosage - 2 ml/ litter of water 2 ml/ litter of water Stage of Crop for Product Use - At flowering stage. 2-3 weeks after completion of flowering