Alba is the best and the most expensive type of Ceylon cinnamon. Due to the manufacturing difficulty (finding the right tree and need of skilled labour), high-quality finish, and lower output capacity, Alba quills are traded at a higher price. Further, These types of quills can not be manufactured from any cinnamon tree. but only using slightly matured cinnamon trees grown in Red Yellow Podzolic soils in the Southwestern region of Sri Lanka.
This is the second best grade of Ceylon cinnamon, mostly popular in European market. C5 special quills are manufactured using slightly matured cinnamon trees with low production output capacity. Unlike Alba, C5 special trees are grown in all cinnamon growing areas.
This is the third-best type of Ceylon cinnamon and manufactured using slightly matured cinnamon trees using maximum production output capacity. There is a high demand for C5 quills.
This is the third-best type of Ceylon cinnamon and manufactured using slightly matured cinnamon trees using maximum production output capacity. There is a high demand for C5 quills
This is the third-best type of Ceylon cinnamon and manufactured using slightly matured cinnamon trees using maximum production output capacity. There is a high demand for C5 quills
Pepper is largely produced as black pepper which is the dried whole fruit. White pepper is produced by removing the outer pericarp and pepper is also available in crushed and ground forms. A small amount of green and ripened pepper is pickled in brine and dehydrated green pepper and preserved red pepper is also traded. Pepper oil and oleoresins are also extracted marketed as value-added products.
Ceylon cinnamon has been hailed as the "true cinnamon" or the "real cinnamon" that possesses outstanding health benefits especially for the diabetics and those challenged by obesity and high cholesterol issues. Unfortunately this cinnamon which is native to Sri Lanka and sourced from the plant Cinnamomum Zeylanicum
A highly valued culinary and medicinal spice. Price can be up to 10 times more than the Cassia/Chinese cinnamon.
Contains a small, negligible amount of coumarin, a naturally occurring blood-thinning substance. Recommended for regular use, e.g. for correcting blood sugar level.
Thin and paper-like textured bark that forms multiple layers when rolled up.
We represent a set that consists of 6 types of essential oil - peppermint, basil, salvia, lavender, juniper, pine.
Every bottle consist of 10 ml pure and with the highest quality essential oil.
All products are certified and 100 % natural.
Chamomile oil has excellent calming properties, chamomile is very effective for irritation, impatience and feeling disagreeable, and has great value in treating menstrual and menopausal problems, chamomile is also effective on the skin, not only to sooth and calm, but to heal and for tissue regeneration.
Chamomile essential oil has a sweet, straw-like fragrance, is dark blue in color and its viscosity is medium. Chamomile oil is mostly cultivated in hungary, egypt, eastern europe and france, while roman chamomile is cultivated in germany, france, spain, italy, morocco and france.