Raspuri Mango
It is one of the best juicing mangoes with a unique flavor (mildly spicy aroma). Its texture is fibreless, and its taste is delightful because of the right balance of sugar and acid.
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 15 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.60- 1.10
3. pH : 3.6 -4.2
4. Color : Orange Yellow
5. Packaging :
215 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner
Known as King of Mangoes. Alphonso Mango is known for its unique taste, aroma, flavor & color. Its firm yet fibreless pulp ensures smooth, creamy mango while still maintaining its integrity when cut.
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 16 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.40 - 0.80
3. pH : 3.6- 4.2
4. Color : Golden Yellow
5. Packaging :
215 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with poly liner
3.1 Kgs A-10 Cans
850 gms A 2 1/2 Cans
Neelam Mango is known for its beautiful shape, taste, and divine floral aroma. This mango is medium in size and oblong shaped with a pointed base and golden yellow color.
A. Puree
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 17 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.40 -0.80
3. ph : 3.6 - 4.2
4. Color : Golden Yellow
5. Packaging :
215 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner
B. Concentrate
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 28 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.60- 1.20
3. pH : 3.6 -4.2
4, Color : Golden Yellow
5. Packaging :
228 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner with polyliner
Totapuri Mango
Totapuri Mango is oblong, large & necked at the base with a prominent beak. The most common variety to be used to produce puree & concentrates.
A. Puree
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 14 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.35 -0.60
3. pH : 3.6 -4.2
4. Color : Bright Yellow
5. Packaging :
215 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner
3.1 Kgs A-10 Can
B. Concentrate
1. Total Soluble Solids % TSS at 20 C : 28 Brix min
2. Acidity (as citric acid) : 0.60 - 1.20
3. pH : 3.6- 4.2
4. Color : Bright Yellow / Deep Yellow
5. Packaging :
228 Kgs Aseptic Bag in Drum with polyliner
The variety we use for producing mango puree is KEAW mango which tastes pure sweet and fragrant. Our Mango puree is produced with 100% natural ingredient without any addition of citric acid,color, flavours, sugar, etc.
Mango puree produced with variety Kent origin west Africa, one of the best variety of the market, mango which tastes pure sweet and fragrant. Our Mango puree is produced with 100% natural ingredient without any addition of citric acid,color, flavours, sugar, etc. ASEPTIC MANGO PUREE
Details can be forwarded Packed in asceptic drums, 215 kilogram.