"Cam and Numeric Locking options Wall Mounting Provision Option Sleek Base Frames Label Holder Auto services, Warehouse, Education
Legends - Labs,Factory,auto services,warehouse,Health Care,office, education Double Skin Locker Image: Metal Based Handle Double Skin Door Euro Slip on Hinges Label Holder Single Skin Locker Image: Recess Handle Single Skin Door Pin - Hinges Common Features: Pad, Cam and Numeric locking options Plinth and Frame base options Label Holder
Providing you the best range of Industrial Mobile Phone Locker, Gym Lockers, Cell Phone Lockers, Pigeon Hole Locker, Mobile Phone Lockers and Staff Phone Lockers with effective & timely delivery.
"Furnace cabinet range is designed to achieve complete organization of parts, tools and equipment. Our extensive range enables maximised use of the cubic capacity of the space. Central Locking mechanism Heavy Duty Castors Ergonomic Handle Labs, Factory, Auto services , Warehouse,Healthcare
"Furnace cabinet range is designed to achieve complete organization of parts, tools and equipment. Our extensive range enables maximised use of the cubic capacity of the space. Glass / Metal Door Options Locking Provision Adjustable Shelving Factory, Warehouse, Labs, Auto services, Office
"Furnace cabinet range is designed to achieve complete organization of parts, tools and equipment. Our extensive range enables maximised use of the cubic capacity of the space. Extensive Cabinet Size Range Multiple drawer size option for each cabinet size Heavy and Light Duty Drawer Options Locking Options Base Options Cabinet Top Options Shutter/ Drawer - Shutter Cabinet Image: Shutter and Drawer - Shutter combinations Lock Options Adjustable Shelf
"Furnace mobile shelving system is an ideal solution for high volume document storage whether the objective is maximise or to optimise the designated space Mechanical system Handle Wheel Common Features: Central Locking "SSFU-1800*900*330-1 SFMU-1800*900*460-1 DFMU-1800*900*620-1 Track 750mm -length" Education, Factory, Office, Education
"Furnace mobile shelving system is an ideal solution for high volume document storage whether the objective is maximise or to optimise the designated space. Push Pull Mechanism Ergonomic Handles Index Holders "SSFU-1800*900*330-1 SFMU-1800*900*460-1 DFMU-1800*900*620-1 Track 750mm -length" Warehouse, Factories, Labs, Office, Education
"Ducting Provision Sandwiched toughened glass Locking Provision Ventilated PP Tray Integrated with metal shelves (Labs, Educational, Healthcare