Raw Scotched Flax Fiber Long Fiber (HSCODE 5301.2100)
Raw fiber which obtained from the water
Retting flax straw by scotching 55 / 90 cm.
Long in hand full about 200-250 gr each,
96-98% purity press in bales covert with jute weight of the One Bale 250 kg ,
for one 40 ft we can laded 25 Tons
The Long of the Scotched Flax not less than 60 cm. length with cleanness not less than 96% can be used in producing yarns which are used for textile .
Pressed in bales of 200 or 250 kg. ( With or without jutes)
We got two grades from Scotched Flax.
Grade A We produce between 200 and 300 Tons / Month.
Grade B We produce between 150 and 300 Tons /
Raw jute fiber
Vegetable fibers available
Jute fiber:
Bangla tossa jute fiber (chorchorus olitorius)
Bangla white jute fiber (corchorus capsularis)
Hibiscus fiber:
Mesta jute fiber (hibiscus sabdarifa)
Kenaf fiber ( hibiscus cannabinus)
We offer bangla tossa jute fibers in five forms:
1. Long fiber (raw jute),
2. Short fiber (fiber cut),
3. Jute cuttings (low-end hard fibers),
4. Jute waste or rejects, and
5. Cut-to-length.
Grades of the bangla tossa jute fiber:
Bangla tossa
Soft fiber: "a" - bta to "e" - bte
Jute waste: bangla tossa "r" - btr (bangla tossa rejects)
Cuttings: "a" - btca to "b" - btcb
Bangla white
Soft fiber: "a" - bwa to "e" - bwe
Jute waste: bangla white "r" - bwr (bangla white rejects)
Cuttings: "a" - bwca to "b" - bwcb
Soft fiber: mesta special, a, b, c
Cuttings: special and ordinary
Soft fiber: special and ordinary
Cuttings: special and ordinary
The grades and quality of the bangla tossa jute fiber are met according to the standards of:
1. Bangladesh jute association (bja) and
2. Previous international jute association (ijo)
Please contact us (golden at citechco dot net) for your vegetable fiber requirement.
150-180 kgs per standard bale tied with jute rope. 66 bales per 20 feet container. Minimun order quantity is one container.