This new innovation will deliver the following benefits:
- Can be used anywhere, disaster period, deserts, mountains or anywhere where not accessible for cleaning and waste cleaning service companies.
- Human waste are disappeared within 24 hours
- No odour
- Uses only 200cc of flush water
- The waste are recycled into flush waster
- Rain water are collected and also recycled as flush water or hand wash
- Requires with or without electricity as the use of solar energy are optional
- Basically there are no discharge
- Services are done once or twice a year
- Comes with air condition
- Size of unit, similar to normal portable toilet.
Unlike most normal designs, contractors can install more than one unit of portable toilets under one sewerage pipelines.
Fully equipped with a flushable toilet, it also comes with a shower spray, good for campers, overnight outings or natural disasters camps. Build from fiberglass, the product is not only durable but also easy to maintain.
It is also designed for easy mobility either by fork lift, pallet truck or a hoisting crane.