\"Organic coconut vinegar is produced from the nourishing sap of the coconut blossom, at the low glycemic index. It�?�?�?�¢??s similar to vinegar cider, but much more nutritious, the sap is grown for 12 months to develop a delicious coconut vinegar loaded with lots of health benefits. Organic coconut vinegar is a wonderful promoter of healthy digestion, immunity, healthy metabolism, proper pH balance for whole body wellness. You can use this in place of any vinegar in your favorite dressings, sauces and recipes.\"
Supplier: Organic coconut cider vinegar
Form Liquid Material Apple Cider Vinegar Packaging Size Half liter, 20 liter Color Yellowish Packaging Type Bottles Usage/Application Industrial The fermentation processSecondly, good bacteria are added, which helps to convert the alcohol into acetic acid. thick, gelatinous layer is formed by the acetic acid bacteria on the surface of the vinegar. This layer is known as 'The Mother' because it is the catalyst that gives rise to the vinegar.
Supplier: Organic coconut cider vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar With Amla,Turmeric,Cinnamon and Black Pepper
It contains friendly bacteria (probiotics) that are very important and useful for the digestive system. The ratio of beneficial intestinal creatures to harmful ones should be 80% higher. For this reason, natural apple cider vinegar, which is both an antiseptic (harmful germicide) and a source of beneficial bacteria, should be used by everyone every day. The benefits of natural apple cider vinegar 1. It strengthens the immune system(immune). 2. It makes digestion easier. 3. By friendly bacteria, K, B12, biotin, niacin, etc. vitamins are produced. 4. It protects the intestinal wall from harmful substances. 5. Regulates intestinal permeability. 6. It prevents the passage of toxins into the blood. 7. It prevents the formation of chronic inflammatory (inflammatory) diseases. 8. It prevents food allergies, psoriasis and eczema. 9. It prevents cancer. 10. It slows down aging. 11. Prevents depression. 12. Prevents diarrhea and constipation. 13. Prevents urinary tract inflammation. 14. Prevents the formation of kidney stones. 15. Autoimmune diseases (MS, Behet's, gbs, etc.) preserves.
High quality Organic Apple Cider Vinegar ACV Filtered or with the mother KAA max. 9% Product from UE Religious certification