ProTectum is a mix of potent entomopathogenic fungal species, which protects crop from sucking pests like Aphids, Thrips, Jassids etc. Protects crop from wide range of insects and pests like Aphids, Thrips and Mealy bug Effective in white grub management Improves crop immunity Helps better and healthy growth of crop
Supplier: Organic fertilizers, biofertilizers, bio pesticides, garden kits
Supplier: Biofertilizers, neem cake, azadractin, bio pesticides
ProMessis G is mix of beneficial micro-organisms which act as NPK solublilizer for sugarcane crop Improves cane sugar content Promotes shoot formation, branching and cane quality Improves the size of internodal stem 10%-30% growth in yield Up to 50% reduction in use of chemical fertilizers Robust growth of sugarcane stem
ProMessis A is a mix of beneficial micro-organisms which act as NPK solubilizer and it is used for non nodulating crop cultivation.(All Fruit crops and Vegetables crops) Increases NPK availability in root zone Improves soil fertility 10%-30% growth in yield Up to 50% reduction in use of chemical fertilizers
Whiteout is a combination of natural oil and biologically derived substances. It controls whitefly on crops. It act as a contact insecticide. After the spraying of Whiteout ,whitefly eventually dies.
Uni Clean acts as a contact and stomach poison for the pest. It blocks the synthesis and release of molting hormone from thoracic gland of pest. It stops feeding and eventually dies. It acts as pest anti feedant.
Action-Star act as a stomach poison for the pest. It act as an effective control agent for Thrips and Mites.
Supplier: Biofertilizers, bio insecticides, bio pesticides, plant growth promoters, chelated micronutrients