Buy original and pure Kashmiri Saffron (Kesar) online at best price in India from Roses and Tulip. Kashmiri Saffron is quite high because of its rarity and being a natural coloring and flavoring agent. Buy premium quality of Kashmiri Saffron (Kesar) at best prices.
We are obliged to offer our clients the most premium products not only to repute our business title, but also to convey the actual eminence of Persian saffron. Other than Premium Sargol saffron we are capable to receive purchase order for Pushal, Bunch and Konj saffron as well as saffron powder and saffron spray
Although the fruitful soil-loving plant is cultivated in Asia Minor, Iran, Syria, India, China, and Japan, as well as in a number of European countries, Absheron saffron is distinguished in the world. Our company carries out the export of saffron located in the Absheron Peninsula to world markets within the cooperation with producers.