This Automatic Medical Face Mask Making. Machine is a fully automatic machine to produce the inside ear-loop face mask. The process is from raw material feeding, nose wire welding& ear-loop welding to finished product. It includes latest ultrasonic welding technique to stich mask at faster speed and Compared to sewing, ultrasonic technology offers major benefits because it creates high-strength, high-integrity seams and bonds without the need for thread and without creating mechanical holes in fabrics, which can hold and conceal microorganisms or contaminants. It has PLC controllers in it for easy controlling of stepper motors in it.
3-PLY DISPOSABLE FACE MASK Suitable for 3- or 4-layer disposable or medical (non-surgical) masks. Fully automated production line for disposable face masks including coil feeding, automatic folding and pressing, loading of nose clips, mask forming, mask cutting, welding of ear loops, cutting of finished product and other required processes. Key Features: 1) Use of state-of-the-art ultrasonic welding equipment with thruput 2) Fully automatic from inserting the core material, inserting the nose bridge line, edge sealing, cutting, welding the ear loop, cutting the finished product, etc. 3) Consists high-quality materials and brands. 4) Modular design, user friendly, convenient maintenance, automatic shutdown alarm 5) Integrated functional operating system, one operator can control multiple sets of the whole production line.
Full Automatic Ultrasonic Surgical Face Mask Machine made in Turkey All Components From European Brands(Omron,SMC,Schineder Electric etc.) Capacity:250pcs/per minutes
Product Brief One output line , high capacity Fully Automatically , make outside earloop welding togther with mask producing process which can save labor , once non woven raw material in unwinding part use up , the machine can automatically stop . Equipment size 4600*3100*1900mm (L*W*H) speed 60~80pcs/min voltage 220v Total power of equipment 6.5KW Equipment weight 1550Kg
I'm selling the Face Mask and Face Mask Making Machines Please contact with me.
We directly supply face masks making machines fully automated
Product Brief One output line , high capacity Fully Automatically , make outside earloop welding togther with mask producing process which can save labor , once non woven raw material in unwinding part use up , the machine can automatically stop . Equipment size 4600*3100*1900mm (L*W*H) speed 60~80pcs/min voltage 220v Total power of equipment 6.5KW Equipment weight 1550Kg
Product Brief One output line , high capacity Fully Automatically , make outside earloop welding togther with mask producing process which can save labor , once non woven raw material in unwinding part use up , the machine can automatically stop . Equipment size 4600*3100*1900mm (L*W*H) speed 60~80pcs/min voltage 220v Total power of equipment 6.5KW Equipment weight 1550Kg
3 ply face mask body machine, ultrasonic welding, with nose steel wire, 150 pcs/min. speed
Technical Parameter 1,Connecting part machine size:5300(L)3700(W) 1800(H)MM 2,Dimensions machines:5300(L)3700(W) 1800(H)MM 3,Floor space for machine production:5300(L)3700(W) 1800(H)MM