Red Shrimp (Aristeus Alcocki)
Also going by the name Arabian Red Shrimp this variety of prawns is mostly found in the Indian Ocean. It can mostly be found in extreme depths of around 270-1086 metres. The maximum length that the Red Shrimp achieves is around 15 centimetres though there is no clue about its average height or any other important detail.
The common length of the male species of red shrimp is 11 centimetre while that of his female counterpart is 14 centimetre. Members of this species of prawns are considered to be gonochoric by nature. In order to mate they indulge in a precopulatory courtship ritual. After the ritual is over an indirect transfer of sperm happens from the male to the female.
Overall there is no such indication that the red shrimp is dangerous or is moving on the path to extinction. The fact that it is mostly found in the Indian Ocean strengthens the belief that it might soon become rare. However, because they are found in fewer numbers the price of one piece tends to be very high. The taste of the red shrimp is good and hence many people long to purchase them for consumption.
SIZES : U/5, 4/6, 6/8, 8/12, 12/15, 15/18
Red Tiny Shrimp (Metapenaeus Hardwickii)
The red tiny shrimp is very small in size with its length barely crossing 1.5 cm. It is usually found in brackish waters near the sea coast. Mostly you will find it in very large numbers and is found endemically in the Hawaiian Islands. In five of the eight islands of Hawaii, the shrimp is found. They are known to be both herbivorous and detritivorous which is a very surprising fact.
Red shrimps diet includes algal and bacterial mats which are found on rocks surface. The reproduction process of the same happens in the subterranean area of their habitat. Red shrimp is one of the longest living creatures in their category and some can even survive for 20 years at a stretch.
It is quite difficult to demarcate a male red shrimp from a female one. However, the female carries clusters of red/maroon eggs under their pleopods and that can be a distinguishing factor. At times they may mot their shells which are seen as shells down the tank or wherever they are stored. It is said that red shrimps mate after moulting though there is no evidence to prove that. In conditions that they are stressed the red tiny shrimp would want to hide.
SIZES : U/5, 4/6, 6/8, 8/12, 12/15, 15/18