SHINEMO Hand wash is 99.99% Germ killing. It has the ability of fighting against bacteria and numerous viruses. We have some unique varieties: Cinnamon, Strawberry, Lavender and Lemon. This hand wash has the ability to keep your hands fresh, clean and smooth.
the Hand Sanitizer, it is the only EN-1500 certified Hand Sanitizer available in Sri Lanka at the moment. It is also NMRA Approved and 75% alcohol based. We have some unique varieties; Cinnamon, Lemon, Mint, Lavender consisting both the liquid and gel bases. The essences, fragrances can be altered according to the customer preference. We manufacture Hand Spray, Hand Wash, TCL floor and Surface cleaners as well. Prices are negotiable with the quantity which you will be purchasing. We can supply you the preferred quantities you wish to purchase from us with 100% Quality. Currently we are exporting to several countries. If you are in need of any Government approved documents or information of our company, we are willing to supply them. Thank you in advance!
75% alcohol based. Oplee Hand Sanitizer is the only EN-1500 certified Hand Sanitizer available in Sri Lanka at the moment. It is also NMRA Approved. We have some unique varieties; Cinnamon, Lemon, Mint, Lavender consisting both the liquid and gel bases. The essences, fragrances can be altered according to the customer preference. We manufacture Hand Spray, Hand Wash, TCL floor and Surface cleaners as well.
70% alcohol based. Only En1500 Hand Sanitizer in Sri Lanka. NMRA Approved. We have some unique essences; Cinnamon, Lemon, Mint, Lavender. The essences, fragrances can be altered according to the customer preference. Prices are negotiable with the quantity which you will be purchasing. We can supply you the preferred quantities you wish to purchase from us with 100% Quality. Due to the current situation, we are the only company currently on the process of manufacturing and exporting large quantity Hand Sanitizers/ Hand Spray/ Hand Wash world-wide with the permission of the Government Authorities. If you are in need of any Government approved documents or information of our company, we are willing to supply them.
75% Alcohol. The only EN-1500 certified Hand Sanitizer in Sri Lanka. NMRA certified. We have some unique essences; Cinnamon, Lemon, Mint, Lavender. We have both the liquid and gel bases. The essences, fragrances can be altered according to the customer preference. One of the only 4 brands in Sri Lanka who has the approval for exports. We manufacture Hand Spray, Hand Wash, TCL floor and Surface Cleaners as well. Manufactured by GMP and ISO Certified company;
EN 1500 (European Standard) Certified, NMRA Approved, 99.99% germ Killing and 75% alcohol based. We have some unique essences; Cinnamon/ Lavender/ Mint/ Lemon (Gel/ Liquid) Available quantities: 50ml/ 100ml/ 300ml/ 500ml/1L/ 4L/ 25L/ 200L
99.99% Germ Killing. For Drum/ Bulk/ Quantity vise orders. Only EN-1500 certified Hand Sanitizer in Sri Lanka 75% alcohol based. NMRA certified. Have some unique varieties; Cinnamon, Lemon, Mint, Lavender, neutral. We have both the liquid and gel bases. The essences, fragrances can be altered according to the customer preference. Drum - 25L/ 200L Quantity vise - Available in 50ml/ 100ml/ 300ml/ 500ml/ 1L/ 4L/ 5L. Send us your inquiry to get a price quotation. The uniqueness of our products are that, we manufacture quality products with 100% natural and herbal ingredients according to the preference of our customers. We are bound to supply 100% quality service for all our buyers. Keep Your Hands Safe!
EN 1500 (European Standard) Certified, WHO Recommended Formulation, NMRA Approved, 99.99% germ Killing and 75% alcohol based. We have some unique essences; Cinnamon/ Lavender/ Mint/ Lemon (Gel/ Liquid) Available quantities: 50ml/ 100ml/ 300ml/ 500ml/1L/ 4L/ 25L/ 200L
70% alcohol based. We have some unique essences; Cinnamon, Lemon, Mint, Lavender. The essences, fragrances can be altered according to the customer preference. Prices are negotiable with the quantity which you will be purchasing. We can supply you the preferred quantities you wish to purchase from us with 100% Quality. Due to the current situation, we are the only company currently on the process of manufacturing and exporting large quantity Hand Sanitizers/ Hand Spray/ Hand Wash world-wide with the permission of the Government Authorities. If you are in need of any Government approved documents or information of our company, we are willing to supply them.
Available - Strawberry, Tea Tree face wash. Herbal face wash with the approval of Ayurveda Department. 60ml/ 100ml