SIENTIFIC NAME: Epinephelus chlorostigma
OTHER NAME:-Brown Spottes Grouper Fish
TOTA FAT:- 0.299g of satured fat per 100g
OTHER NAMES in different Region:-
Reef fish are products of local wholesalers from Lomaiviti Group, Totoya, Moala, Ra and primary suppliers around the Vanua Levu corridor, where a mini branch is located
All reef fish purchased are later graded into 3 categories specifying its quality and its purchasing price. Grade A fish are bought at $7.00 a kg; grade B are bought at $6.00 a kg; and grade C at $5.00 a kg. After grading the fish is then weighed, washed and distributed for local and overseas orders. Fish that is prioritised for overseas orders include Sabutu, Kawakawa, Kawago, Walu and Salmon Chord, while the rest are for local supplies
Reef fsh is available in abundance from Maldives and is enjoyed by local and foreigners. Common species includes Red Snappers, Groupers, Humpback Snappers, Travalleys and Rainbow Runner etc. All fish are caught from its natural habitat.
We purchase reef fsh caught fresh from local fsherman and are packed as whole, steaks fllets either as frozen or