Lavender has been a favorite herb for centuries. The historic use and recognition of lavender is almost as old the history of man. As an herb, lavender has been in documented use for over 2,500 years. In ancient times lavender was used for mummification and perfume by the Egyptian's, Phoenicians, and peoples of Arabia. The Greeks and the romans bathed in lavender scented water and it was from the Latin word "lavo" meaning "to wash" that the herb took it's name. Perhaps first domesticated by the Arabians, lavender spread across Europe from Greece.
Organic Dried Whole Red Rose Buds Chemical + Pesticide Free Red Rose is a wonderful herb that is full of medicinal properties humans can benefit from! Aromatically pleasing, wonderful blush tint, and a rich source of Vitamin C are some of the great qualities of this herb. There are many ways we can utilize red rose such as in homemade projects, home decor, herbal infusions and in ritual work/incense.
We are specialized in fresh flowers and garlands right from procurement, craftsmanship, packing and Swift delivery.
Chamomile is anti-inflammatory, calming with mood lifting properties, calms nerves, reduces stress & promotes restful sleep. Chamomile tea is renowned as a sleep aid because it calms both the nervous system and the digestive tract. Use in herbal teas, salves, dream pillows, eye/sleep pillows sachets, handmade soaps, facial creams, shampoos, and bridal sachets, etc Chamomile is also extremely soothing to irritated skin because its high content of skin healing phytonutrients, flavonoids (apigenen, quercetin, patuletin), glucosides, sesquiterpenes and essential oils.