We are suppliers of best quality Avocado Hass from Peru (South America) We are FDA certified company The packing is available in box of 4 kgs and 10 kgs. Our Avocado producing farm is certified for exportion to USA, Europe, China, Japan, Korea, India, Russia.
Hass finest harvest, organically harvested and handpicked by known hands. Delicate and sweet. Size from 14-20 with assurance on quality.
Packed in 4kg boxes and ready to reach your destination.
Name Avocado Hass
Appearance Oval shape of the variety
Consistency Firm
Foreign materials Free
External moisture Free
Color Green uniform
Origin Colombia
Quarantine pests Free
Mechanical damage Non
Fruit below the dry matter %
Fruit exceeding the dry matter %
Tolerance for lentical damage 15%
Tolerance for sunburn 15%
Tolerance for the presence defect 5%
Thrips damage < 10%
Sizes 12 a 18 (15%)
Packs per Container
USA: Pack in 2240 boxes of 11.5 kg
EUROPE: Pack in 3168 boxes of 4 kg, sizes from 12 to 24
CUSTOMIZED: Pack in 2240 boxes of 10 kg, sizes from 12 to 32
Hass Avocados are the most popular variety avocado in the US. Their distinctive skin turns from green to purplish-black when ripe. They have a pale green flesh with a creamy texture and nutty flavor.
Enjoy them in guacamole dip, in salads, or on sandwiches.
Melissa's Hass Avocados are hand-selected for excellent quality. Choose soft, ripe fruit and avoid bruising and sunken spots. Refrigerate ripe or cut avocados covered for up to 5 days.
Image of the Hass Avocado is from the Hass Avocado Commission.
Specification :
Grade : A
Size : 3 item/kg ~ 300 to 350 g
4 item/kg ~ 240 to 260 g
Colour : green
Variety : fuerte
Protein : 2.1
Minerals : 1.32%
Fat : 26%
Cultivation type :common
Hass avocados not only elevate culinary experiences but also contribute to a healthy diet. Their unique taste, combined with numerous health benefits, makes them a favorite among consumers and chefs alike. Whether enjoyed in a salad, spread on toast, or blended into a smoothie, the Hass avocado is truly a superfood!
Fresh and premium quality, carefully handpicked. Supply is all year round and weekly.
All sizes available. Sizes 32, 36, 40, 48, 60, 70 and 84 available. Prices in US is 65, 65, 65, 47, 27, 22 respectively.... Exworks excluding us. Including us to be discussed.
50 Tons can be delivered weekly nonstop through out the whole year.
You issue LOI directly to the producer in Mexico, you sign papers directly with the producer , and you make payment directly to the producer.
Payment terms is by a RWA Letter of Credit Ready, Willing and Able)
Producer quotes weekly prices on Ex works incoterms
Producer can also ship by sea
avocados are packaged in 11.5kg boxes......
Contact us for more
Do not miss this golden opportunity.
Once we close all we ask for is our revenue share......The most genuine deal in the market. Do not waste your time with other incompetent sellers. We are the best, we provide favourable payment terms, secure for both seller and buyer, high quality avocado hass carefully handpicked and product is native of Mexico. Best in the world. Do not keep your customers in your retail counter waiting. We are here to help you all year round. with regular and steady supplies. We love effeciency and honesty.
Among Kenya's leading exporters of high-quality avocados, Mulberry Growers exports some of the best avocados. We specialize in two premium varieties: Hass avocados and Fuerte avocados, which are known to have the right texture, taste, and density of avocado. They are highly nutritious, containing large amounts of vitamins and minerals.
Our avocados are from our well-fertilized orchards and small-holder partnerships in Central Kenya. Our avocados are grown naturally in these orchards under the Kenyan sunshine for quality flowering and growth. They are hand-picked when they are ripe to ensure our customers get the tastiest and tier-one quality avocados. We supply thousands of metric tons of avocados annually of international standards obtained from our avocado orchards or small-holder farmers in the regions mentioned.