Mica in its processed form is one of the most versatile used materials. For over seven decades we have been processing the natural raw mica rocks to the widely used mica sheets for applications ranging from power electronics to consumer electronics.
Mica flakes is mica scrap grinded into sizes ranging from 2 mesh to 30 mesh. Natural mica flakes is prepared by rotary hammer crushing machine. Mica flakes are primarily used in industries involved in the manufacturing of pearlescent pigment, concrete block fillers, refractory bricks, asphalt roofing felts, etc. Mica flakes also vary in quality based on the quality of the mica scrap used for production. We manufacture flakes of three different qualities: High quality made from mica scrap tested to withstand temperatures above 900 degrees C & completely white in color. Medium quality of tested mica scrap that has a less stringent requirement of color. Untested mica flakes without any testing temperature requirement.
Block Mica is knife-dressed mica with a minimum thickness of 7 mils (0. 18 mm). Block Mica is available in sizes up to 12 to 14 (30 to 35 cm) square. Block Mica larger than this is rare and even it was available it would be far too costly for most applications. Block Mica is available in sheets with an average thickness between 7 mils & 30 mils (0. 1 8 mm & 075 mm) Block Mica is supplied in both natural (random) and calibrated thickness as required by the customer. After splitting into a specified thickness the mica is then cut and punched to the required size and shape to meet the requirements, typically, of an electrical application.
They are made with cut condensor films that are thoroughly cleaned with the help of dc-greasing agents and are then silvered on both sides by screen printing process. There is perfect adhesion between mica and silver which results in optimum performance of the plates.
Mica is a group of silicate minerals commonly used in various industries, including cosmetics and skincare products. Our high-quality, ethically sourced mica offers customizable grades and a radiant shimmer, perfect for enhancing cosmetics, skincare products, and industrial applications, making it an ideal choice for brands seeking both performance and sustainability.
Mica is a hydrated phyllosilicate mineral of aluminium and potassium with formula KAl(F, OH), or (KF) (AlO) (SiO). Muscovite can be cleaved into very thin transparent sheets that can substitute for glass, particularly for high-temperature applications such as industrial furnace or oven windows. It is also used in the manufacture of a wide variety of electronics and as a filler in paints, plastic, and wallboard. Our monthly supply of these mineral ranges from 1000-2000MT.