Biohumus "BIOorganica" is a concentrated liquid solution of a kalium humate and biohumus. It is a natural organic fertilizer that consists of a mixture of pure ecological and absolutely safe plant nutrient elements. This fertilizer also contains a rich combination of humin substances and natural biostimulators, rich bacterial microflora, microelements and mineral substances. Price and Minimum Quantity Price FOB in USD: NegotiableMinimum Order Qty: 1000 Metric Tonnes Packaging: Per Request Sample: Available. Sample Cost Born By Buyer Product Model And Origin Brand: BIOorganica Standards: Bio
Bio Fertilizers
Bio Fertilizers
Bio Fertilizers
Bio Fertilizers
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto's RhizoN is the selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria of Rhizobium spp. CFU : 2 x 10^8 per ml MODE OF ACTION : Rhizobium spp. infects the legume root and form root nodules within which they reduce molecular nitrogen in to ammonia which is readily converted into nitrogen containing compounds. The site of symbiosis is within the root nodules. It produces nodules and multiplies in it. By remaining inside the nodules it fixes atmospheric nitrogen. BENEFITS : 1. It fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to crop. 2. It increases number & length of roots and shoots. 3. Helps to increase the crop yield. 4. It improves the plant vigour and health. 5. Help to improve the soil health. 6. Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input. 7. Longer Shelf-life 8. Higher and perfect bacterial count 9. Add nutrients to the soil / make them available to the crop & secret certain growth promoting substances. 10. Help the proliferation and survival of beneficial microorganisms in soil. 11.Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India DOSE : Dosage: Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto's PSB is the selective strains of Phosphate Solubilising beneficial bacteria of Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp. CFU: Minimum 2 x 10^8 per ml MODE OF ACTION : Phosphate solubilizers Bacillus and Pseudomonas dissolve fixed phosphate into plant utilizable form. Phosphate solubilizer's bacterium produces organic acids (viz, citric acid, lactic acid, etc.), and enzymes (viz, phytase, nuclease, etc.) that help, in solubilisation of insoluble phosphates and makes it available to plant in utilizable form. BENEFITS : 1. In addition to Phosphates it increases micro nutrients availability to plant from the soil. 2. Encourages faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake 3. Helps to increase the crop yield. 4. It improves the plant vigour and health. 5. Help to improve the soil health. 6. Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input. 7. Longer Shelf-life 8. Higher and perfect bacterial count 9. Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India DOSE : Dosage: Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto's KMB is the selective strains of Frateuria spp. CFU: Minimum 2 x 10^8 per ml MODE OF ACTION : The microbe, Frateuria spp. is a beneficial bacterium capable of mobilizing available Potash into near the roots of the plants. It works well in all types of soil especially, low K content soil. Use of such bacteria in powder form can increase the availability of more potash in usable form to the plants. BENEFITS : 1. Improves resistance of crop against disease and stress conditions. 2. Secretes growth hormones to increase crop productivity. 3. Enhances soil health and soil fertility. 4. In addition to P it increases micro nutrients availability to plant from the soil. 5. Encourages faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake 6. Helps to increase the crop yield. 7. Help to improve the soil health. 8. Harmless, Eco-friendly and low cost agro-input. 9. Longer Shelf-life 10. Higher and perfect bacterial count 11. Permitted Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. Of India DOSE : Dosage: Soil: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer Drip: 1 to 2 Litters per Acer
CONTENT : Dr. Bacto’s COMBO (NPK Microbial consortia) is a microbial formulation of selective strains of multiple bacteria which are able to synthesize / assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphate and mobilize potash into available form, thereby supplementing balanced nutrition to the crops. It converts non-available forms of some complex bonded micro nutrients into available form. MODE OF ACTION : Azotobacter Spp. in this formulation increase nitrogen uptake, produce plant growth hormones (IAA, GA), vitamins enhancement in uptake NO3, NH4, H2PO4, K and Fe. Azospirillum is an associative micro aerobic nitrogen fixer. This bacterium induce the plant foods to secrete and mucilase which aerate low oxygen environment and helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen. PSB possess the activity to solubilize the Phosphorous by secreting organic acids (Gluconic acid, formic acid, Glutomic acid, Lactic acid, Citrate, Malic acid) lower soil pH and turns unavailable forms of soil phosphate to available form. KMB to mobilize potash available in soil of the plant activates the numerous enzymes system involved in formation of organic substances and protein compounds. BENEFITS : • Increase utilization of atmospheric nitrogen. • Solubilizes the unavailable form of phosphate and make it available to the plants. • Mobilize the fix and left potash in the soil and make it available to the plants. • It will increases plant drought tolerance under drought condition. • Increase 20 – 30% yield and quality of the produce • Improve physical and chemical properties of soil and improves the nutrient and water holding capacity. • Reduces disease infestation up to some extent. • Cost saving and reduces the dosage of N.P.K fertilizers. • Improves the colour, appearance and shelf life of perishable fruits & vegetables DOSE : Mix or dilute 500 gm – 1 Kg or 1 – 2 litre Dr. Bacto’s COMBO per acre in 200 litre of water and apply in the field through drip irrigation.
Bio Fertilizers