Guar Gum Types Food, Feed & Pharma Grades - Various particle sizes (very coarse to very fine). - • Various hydration rates (very slow to very fast). - • Various viscosities (1% solution in water = 50 cps to 7000 cps). - • Special deodourised grades. - • Special low microbiological count grades. Technical Grades Straight Guars: - Various particle sizes (very coarse to very fine). - Various hydration rates (very slow to very fast). - Various viscosities (1% solution in water = 50 cps to 8000 cps). - Special good Dry-Flow (Free-Flow) Guars. - Special Anti-Dusted Guars. Modified Guars and Guar Derivatives: - Fast hydrating / High Viscosity / Diesel Slurriable (particularly suitable for oil, gas and other deep well drilling and EOR operations like polymer flooding / fracturing), - Borated. - Reticulated. - Oxidised. - Depolymerised. - High water absorbance capacity. - Carboxymethyl (Anionic). - Hydroxypropyl (Nonionic). - Hydroxypropyltrimethyl chloride (Cationic). - Hydroxypropyltrimethyl chloride Hydroxypropyl (Cationic, double derivative). - Special good Dry-Flow (Free-Flow) Modified Guars / Guar Derivatives. - Special Anti-Dusted Modified Guars / Guar Derivatives. Guar gum is a fiber from the seed of the guar plant. Guar gum is used as a laxative. It is also used for treating diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), obesity, and diabetes; for reducing cholesterol; and for preventing “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis). In foods and beverages, guar gum is used as a thickening, stabilizing, suspending, and binding agent. In manufacturing, guar gum is used as a binding agent in tablets, and as a thickening agent in lotions and creams. How does it work? Guar gum is a fiber that normalizes the moisture content of the stool, absorbing excess liquid in diarrhea, and softening the stool in constipation. It also might help decrease the amount of cholesterol and glucose that is absorbed in the stomach and intestines. There is some interest in using guar gum for weight loss because it expands in the intestine, causing a sense of fullness. This may decrease appetite. USES: Diarrhea. Adding guar gum to the tube feeding formula given to critical care patients may shorten episodes of diarrhea from about 30 days to about 8 days. High cholesterol. Taking guar gum seems to lower cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol. Guar gum and pectin, taken with small amounts of insoluble fiber, also lower total and “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, but don't affect “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol or other blood fats called triglycerides. Diabetes. Taking guar gum with meals seems to lower blood sugar after meals in people with diabetes. By slowing stomach emptying, guar gum may also lessen after-meal drops in blood pressure that occur frequently in people with diabetes. Constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
We are exporter of Arabic Gum Or (Acacia Gum). Organic Gum Arabic (Acacia) is an emulsifier for flavor oils and essential oils, making them stable in water-based compounds. A 30/70 ratio of gum to water is recommended as the best starting point for a Gum Arabic solution. It can be mixed at a 6/1 ratio of gum to oil. It can be used in cosmetics, baking, and as a fiber supplement. Organic Gum Arabic (Acacia) is vegan, kosher, and gluten-free. The Sudanese Organic Gum Arabic Acacia Senegal Heshab is the best in quality all over the world.
Big Babol Bubble Gum Available variants Assorted TSPBM 12x100x3.5gr, asteroid Sour, Asteroid (Tutti Fruity, Watermelon, Blueberry), Assorted TSPBM, Strawberry Cream, Tutti Fruity 16x40x3.3gr, Filo Folly Strawberry,Fili Folly Tutti Fruity 12x6x11gr, Stick Dsp Blueberry, Stick Dsp Strawberry Cream, Stick Dsp Tutti Fruity, 20x20x20gr, Sploosh Strawberry 16x70x3.5gr. Product is Manufactured by PT Perfetti Van Melle.
Copal is an aromatic resin produced by the copal tree Copal contains resinol acids, resins and essential oils. Its use is as an adhesive in dental fillings and plaster, a mixture of lacquer and varnish. Copal oil is obtained by distillation and is used as a perfume blend. Kopal is often considered as or used as a substitute for resin, and made into rings.
Acacia Gum Gum Arabic / Gam Arab / Gum Arabic is available Family: Leguminosae (Fabaceae) Botanical name: Vachellia nilotica Hs Code: 130120000000 Packing: 25 kg bags - Gum Arabic which is also known as acacia gum consists of the hardened sap of different acacia trees different species. - Acacia gum is a complicated blend of glycoproteins and polysaccharides, which is considered the original source of the sugars arabinose and ribose. Ancient Egyptians used Arabic gum in many usages such as: 1- Against bloody urine 2- Against fever 3- for hemorrhoids 4- Acacia juice is described by mouth for neck inflammation and against the abdominal snake, hemorrhoids, and epilepsy 5- Against epilepsy
Features (%) Purity - 97 minimum Moisture - 10-12 maximum Total Ash - 4-6% Acid Insoluble residue - 0.4% maximum Starch - Negative Tanning Bearing gum - Negative Salmonella Negative EColi Negative Gum Arabic is used in printing, paint production, glue, cosmetics and various industrial applications, including viscosity control in inks and in textile industries. Gum Arabic is a complex mixture of polysaccharides and glycoproteins that is used primarily in the food industry as a stabilizer.
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a leading manufacturer and exporter of Guar gum and Food Ingredients, we have recently developed a special ingredient for Ketchup industry to make it thicken and stabilise. We call it Ketchup gum. It is unique and tested blend of various thickets and stabilisers and which gives immense result in Ketchup Industry. By using our product you can get the much better product and no need to use Xanthan gum which is costly very high, our product is 25% cheaper than Xanthan Gum and Dosage is 30-50% less then Xanthan, so the cost of your product comes very down.