dust collector filter bag Our bags are sewn with 3 - needle chain stitch to ensure seam integrity. Top constructions consist of snap band, flange top, ring top, soft cuffs or raw edge. Bottom removal bags are constructed with a raw top or soft cuff. Top and bottom removal bag bottoms have disc bottoms that are sewn using an overlock (surge) stitch or lock stitch. A wear strip or custom skirts is attached to the bottom portion of the bag to prevent premature wear from bag-to-bag and bag-to-cage abrasion.
Our products are exported to many countries and we have been committed to product perfection for many years. We accept OEM customization from customers, and customers can also sell our brands. Become our agent. Looking forward to your inquiry and participation. We will give you the best price, please contact me if necessary.
A suitable solution for. Airborne substances, viruses and other fine particles in the nanoscale range are filtered out of the air with a separation efficiency of 99.995 % and the activated charcoal filter also removes odours. The integrated CO2 sensor alerts you should additional ventilation be required.
Our products are exported to many countries and we have been committed to product perfection for many years. We accept OEM customization from customers, and customers can also sell our brands. Become our agent. Looking forward to your inquiry and participation. We will give you the best price, please contact me if necessary.
Our products are exported to many countries and we have been committed to product perfection for many years. We accept OEM customization from customers, and customers can also sell our brands. Become our agent. Looking forward to your inquiry and participation. We will give you the best price, please contact me if necessary.