26 drums of premium NZ Native Rewarewa honey
Said to be second best type of honey produced in new Zealand because of its high antioxidants and fantastic flavor
Total weight 7500kg
2019 manuka mono
Mgo 300 aprox with growth to 450 over next six months
C4 2.9-4.3%
16 300kg drums available
Detailed tests can be done on request for serious buyers
Potting options available
Hinterland is one of the few certified organic Manuka honey producers in New Zealand, harvesting from the most wild and remote parts of the country where our hives are not exposed to any sprays, pesticides, insecticides our only exposure is to Mother Nature.
Hinterland is one of the few certified organic Manuka honey producers in New Zealand, harvesting from the most wild and remote parts of the country where our hives are not exposed to any sprays, pesticides, insecticides our only exposure is to Mother Nature.
Hinterland is one of the few certified organic Manuka honey producers in New Zealand, harvesting from the most wild and remote parts of the country where our hives are not exposed to any sprays, pesticides, insecticides our only exposure is to Mother Nature.
Hinterland is one of the few certified organic Manuka honey producers in New Zealand, harvesting from the most wild and remote parts of the country where our hives are not exposed to any sprays, pesticides, or insecticides our only exposure is to Mother Nature.
What a beautiful word soothe is, and what a beautiful job it does for a sore throat. If youre under the weather and your throat is letting you know, these are the UMF10+ Manuka Honey powered lozenges to reach for.
Under the weather & your throat is sore.
Refresh yourself in just a moment.
What a beautiful word soothe is, and what a beautiful job it does for a sore throat. If youre under the weather and your throat is letting you know, these are the UMF10+ Manuka Honey powered lozenges to reach for.
Under the weather & your throat is sore.
Refresh yourself in just a moment.
Manuka honey is a complex food, which as well as being sweet it embraces the properties of the Manuka bush, making it a nutrient dense food.
Slather it over everything.
All day. Everyday.
Use as a natural sweetener, replacement, in baking, cooking & in meals.