For honey to be termed “organic” have to meet a set of standards during the process of honey production which include the source of nectar, honey bees foraging area, honey extraction process, processing temperature, etc.
It is an ideal liver fuel because it contains a nearly 1:1 ratio of fructose to glucose. Jamun honey promotes better blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity.
Litchi honey is loaded with good amount of minerals( potassium and copper) that helps maintain fluid balance and controls blood pressure and thus prevents coronary heart disease.
This is the most common type of honey and also the rarest because it is composed of nectars from flowers blossoming at a particular period of time in a particular place.
It has a predominant nectar or a particular mix of flora that gives it a recognizable flavour.
Acacia honey—acacia honey stimulates antibodies and combats harmful microbial activity. It is also quite effective in wound treatment. It has a peculiar sweet taste.
Physical Characteristics:
Freezing Process: I.Q.F.
Size: Cut : 6x6, 7x7 , 9x9 . 10x10 , 13x13 ,14x14 mm
Length : from 3-13 cm
Color: Characteristic of French Fries (gold).
Free from freeze injury (Brown Spots).
Flavor: Good and free of any strange flavors.
Texture: Free of foreign leaves.
Thick smooth minced texture.
Chemical Characteristics:
Pesticide Residual: According to Codex Alimentarius.
Heavy Metal: According to Codex Alimentarius.
Physical Characteristics:
Freezing Process: I.Q.F.
Size: Cut : 6x6, 7x7 , 9x9 . 10x10 , 13x13 ,14x14 mm
Length : from 3-13 cm
Color: Characteristic of French Fries (gold).
Free from freeze injury (Brown Spots).
Flavor: Good and free of any strange flavors.
Texture: Free of foreign leaves.
Thick smooth minced texture.
Chemical Characteristics:
Pesticide Residual: According to Codex Alimentarius.
Heavy Metal: According to Codex Alimentarius.