We are supplier of Natural Licorice Roots and Powder by best quality for big manufacturers of cosmetics and food (Gummi candy) , pharmacology and personal use.
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice - 3% Glycyrrhizin by HPLC & Flavonoids 1%
DGL may increase mucus production. This can protect the stomach and esophagus from acid.
Early evidence suggests that licorice extract may help treat hepatitis C.
Licorice may treat ulcers.
Dry Licorice
Dry Licorice Available as Slices, TBC (Tea bag Cut), Coarser Cut (CC), Powder, Fine Powder-Transport free within the Sri Lanka , Export Quality and 100% Natural ,No any added Flavor or Artificial Ingredients
We are supplier of Natural Licorice & licorice extract Powder by best quality for big manufacturers of cosmetics and food (Gummi candy)
and pharmocology ...