it is one of the permanent paired hollow sheaths of keratin usually present in both sexes of cattle and their relatives that function chiefly for defense and arise from a bony core anchored to the skull of the cow.
Full substance, unsplitted
100% machine flayed
No ticks, no scratches, no humps
Size: 38 sqft. - 46 sqft. avg. size 42 sqft. machine flayed
Average size: size 42 sqft
Thickness: 3 to 4 mm
Weight: 22kgs ,26 ,28 to 32kg
Average weight: 27 to 30kg. per Hide
Selection: 80% A/B, 20% C/D
Male 75% / Female 25%
Full substance, unsplitted
100% machine flayed
No ticks, no scratches, no humps
Size: 28 sq.ft. and Up, Avg 35/37 sq.ft. per hide
Average size: size 37 sqft
Thickness: 2 to 3 mm
Weight: 15 to 25kg
Average weight: 17to 23 per Hide
Selection: 80% A/B, 20% C/D
Male 75% / Female 25%
Full substance, unsplitted
100% machine flayed
No ticks, no scratches, no humps
Size: 22 to 34 sq.ft.
Average size: 28 sq.ft..
Thickness: 2 to 4 mm
Weight: 22kgs to 32kg
Average weight: 25kgs
Selection: 80% A/B, 20% C/D
Male 75% / Female 25%