PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: Mol. wt. 239.7 M.f. C12H14ClNO2 Form Clear, colourless to light brown, viscous liquid. M.p. 25 B.p. 275 V.p. 19.2 mPa (25 ) KOW logP = 2.5 Henry 4.19 10-3 Pa m3 mol-1 S.g./density 1.192 (20 ) Solubility In water 1.1 g/l. Miscible with acetone, acetonitrile, chloroform, cyclohexanone, dichloromethane, methanol, toluene, heptane, dimethylformamide. Stability Stable at ambient temperatures for at least 2 y; stable at 50 for at least 3 mo. In sunlight, DT50 >30 d in aqueous solution. F.p. 70-75 (closed cup)
Glyphosate Mode of action: Non-selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with rapid translocation throughout the plant. Inactivated on contact with soil.
Glyphosate Uses: Control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds, pre-harvest, in cereals, peas, beans, oilseed rape, flax and mustard, at c. 1.5-2 kg/ha; Glyphosate control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds in stubble and post-planting/pre-emergence of many crops; as a directed spray in vines and olives, at up to 4.3 kg/ha; in orchards, pasture, forestry and industrial weed control, at up to 4.3 kg/ha. As an aquatic herbicide, at c. 2 kg/ha.
Chlorothalonil is a broad spectrum, protective fungicide. The mechanism of action is that it can interact with glyceraldehyde triphosphate dehydrogenase in fungal cells and combine with proteins containing cysteine in the enzyme, thus destroying the activity of the enzyme and making the metabolism of fungal cells destroyed and thus losing vitality.
Mode of action Systemic foliar fungicide with protective and curative action, with translocation acropetally in the xylem. Uses Systemic foliar fungicide with a broad range of activity, at 100-150 g/ha. On cereals, it controls diseases caused by Cochliobolus sativus, Erysiphe graminis,Leptosphaeria nodorum, Puccinia spp., Pyrenophora teres,Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Rhynchosporium secalis, and Septoriaspp. In bananas, control of Mycosphaerella musicola andMycosphaerella fijiensis var. difformis. Other uses are in turf againstSclerotinia homoeocarpa, Rhizoctonia solani, Puccinia spp. andErysiphe graminis; in rice against Rhizoctonia solani,Helminthosporium oryzae, and dirty panicle complex; in coffee againstHemileia vastatrix; in peanuts against Cercospora spp.; in stone fruit against Monilinia spp., Podosphaera spp., Sphaerotheca spp. andTranzschelia spp.; in maize against Helminthosporium spp.
Mode of action Systemic foliar fungicide with protective and curative action, with translocation acropetally in the xylem. Uses Systemic foliar fungicide with a broad range of activity, at 100-150 g/ha. On cereals, it controls diseases caused by Cochliobolus sativus, Erysiphe graminis,Leptosphaeria nodorum, Puccinia spp., Pyrenophora teres,Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Rhynchosporium secalis, and Septoriaspp. In bananas, control of Mycosphaerella musicola andMycosphaerella fijiensis var. difformis. Other uses are in turf againstSclerotinia homoeocarpa, Rhizoctonia solani, Puccinia spp. andErysiphe graminis; in rice against Rhizoctonia solani,Helminthosporium oryzae, and dirty panicle complex; in coffee againstHemileia vastatrix; in peanuts against Cercospora spp.; in stone fruit against Monilinia spp., Podosphaera spp., Sphaerotheca spp. andTranzschelia spp.; in maize against Helminthosporium spp.
Mode of action Systemic foliar fungicide with protective and curative action, with translocation acropetally in the xylem. Uses Systemic foliar fungicide with a broad range of activity, at 100-150 g/ha. On cereals, it controls diseases caused by Cochliobolus sativus, Erysiphe graminis,Leptosphaeria nodorum, Puccinia spp., Pyrenophora teres,Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, Rhynchosporium secalis, and Septoriaspp. In bananas, control of Mycosphaerella musicola andMycosphaerella fijiensis var. difformis. Other uses are in turf againstSclerotinia homoeocarpa, Rhizoctonia solani, Puccinia spp. andErysiphe graminis; in rice against Rhizoctonia solani,Helminthosporium oryzae, and dirty panicle complex; in coffee againstHemileia vastatrix; in peanuts against Cercospora spp.; in stone fruit against Monilinia spp., Podosphaera spp., Sphaerotheca spp. andTranzschelia spp.; in maize against Helminthosporium spp.
Thiamethoxam can effectively prevent and cure various aphid, leafhopper, planthopper, whitefly, beetle larvae and potato beetles, worms, ground beetle, leafminer, insect pests. It can be used in stem and leaf treatment, seed treatment and soil treatment. suitable crops are: rice crops, sugar beet, rape, potato, cotton, beans, fruit, peanut, sunflower, soybean, tobacco and citrus.