Services: Patent prosecution, trademark registration, patent searches
Services: Intellectual property rights, trade mark registration, copyright, patent, design, courts, India, infringement, passing off, advocate, trade mark attorney, patent attorney
Services: Patent trademark copyright design attorney intellectual property rights practitioner
Services: Registration of trademark, copyright, patent and design
Services: Intellectual property related services such as registration of trademarks, designs and patents
Services: Copyright and design registration, domain name registration and renewals, advice on assignments, licensing and technology transfers, advisory services on intellectual property protection, translation of intellectual property related documents, research and investigation, maintenance of ip rights through renewals and annuities, publication of cautionary and patent working notices, trademark, watch service, infringement and counterfeiting actions, opposition actions
Services: Registration of trade mark, copyright, design
Services: Intellectual property rights, patent filing, patent search, national phase filing
Services: Helpline for registration and protection of trade marks, patent, designs, copyrights, geographical indications in India