These are only a part of our products, CAT Fuel Injector 7N9843 3406 C12 / 3196 CATERPILLAR CODE/TYPE Stamping No. 7S1059 D342T,D353 137-2500 10R0963 1W5829 1W5829 7S5105 194-5083 4W7015 4W7015 7S8722 3304,3306,D330,D333,1673 147-0373 4W7016 4W7016 7S9891 3304 160-2303 4W7017 4W7017 8M1584 D333C/3306 212-3463 4W7018 4W7018 8N1831 D342T,D353 160-1090 4W7022 4W7022 8N3173 D353 OR8773 4W7025 4W7025 8N3174 212-3464 10R0725 7N0449 7N0449 8N3175 3204 212-3466 10R0968 7W7032 7W7032 8N3176 D343 116-5425 7W7038 7W7038 8N3177 D336/1674156-1011 8N7005 8N7005 8N4694 3304,3306,D330,D333,1673 These are only a part of our products,
These are only a part of our products, CAT Fuel Injector 7N9843 3406 C12 / 3196 CATERPILLAR CODE/TYPE Stamping No. 7S1059 D342T,D353 137-2500 10R0963 1W5829 1W5829 7S5105 194-5083 4W7015 4W7015 7S8722 3304,3306,D330,D333,1673 147-0373 4W7016 4W7016 7S9891 3304 160-2303 4W7017 4W7017 8M1584 D333C/3306 212-3463 4W7018 4W7018 8N1831 D342T,D353 160-1090 4W7022 4W7022 8N3173 D353 OR8773 4W7025 4W7025 8N3174 212-3464 10R0725 7N0449 7N0449 8N3175 3204 212-3466 10R0968 7W7032 7W7032 8N3176 D343 116-5425 7W7038 7W7038 8N3177 D336/1674156-1011 8N7005 8N7005 8N4694 3304,3306,D330,D333,1673 These are only a part of our products,
These are only a part of our products, if you want other products and information, contact us. DIA No.BOSCH No.Stamping No.Vehicle ModelEngine DZ-B610 0499 432 610 049DLLA154SN607ISUZU4BD1,6BD1 DZ-B610 0739 432 610 073DLLA158SN638NISSAN DIESELSN638/A528 DZ-B610 0959 432 610 095DLLA154SN606ISUZU4BC2/OHMS001 DZ-B610 1119 432 610 111DLLA154SN533MITSUBISHI6D22T/HD1250 DZ-B610 1549 432 610 154DLLA150SN742HINO DZ-B610 1669 432 610 166DLLA142SN581KOMATSUEX200-5/SA6D110 DZ-B610 1679 432 610 167DLLA142SN613KOMATSUS6D105/A513 DZ-B610 1709 432 610 170DLLA160SN731MITSUBISHI6DC8/8DC8/A578 DZ-B610 1749 432 610 174DLLA160SN566MITSUBISHI6D14T DZ-B610 1779 432 610 177DLLA142SN718HINOH06CT/EX220-2
These are only a part of our products, if you want other products and information, contact us. Dia no.Bosch no.Stamping no.Vehicle modelengine Dz-b610 0499 432 610 049dlla154sn607isuzu4bd1, 6bd1 Dz-b610 0739 432 610 073dlla158sn638nissan dieselsn638/a528 Dz-b610 0959 432 610 095dlla154sn606isuzu4bc2/ohms001 Dz-b610 1119 432 610 111dlla154sn533mitsubishi6d22t/hd1250 Dz-b610 1549 432 610 154dlla150sn742hino Dz-b610 1669 432 610 166dlla142sn581komatsuex200-5/sa6d110 Dz-b610 1679 432 610 167dlla142sn613komatsus6d105/a513 Dz-b610 1709 432 610 170dlla160sn731mitsubishi6dc8/8dc8/a578 Dz-b610 1749 432 610 174dlla160sn566mitsubishi6d14t Dz-b610 1779 432 610 177dlla142sn718hinoh06ct/ex220-2 Dz-b610 1859 432 610 185dlla150sn623misubishi Dz-b610 1919 432 610 191dll155sn595komatsu Dz-b610 1939 432 610 193dlla155sn707isuzu6bb1/a529 Dz-b610 2009 432 610 200dlla148sn545missan dieselre8 re10/a485 Dz-b610 2119 432 610 211dlla153sn7131nissan dieselfd35/a498 Dz-b610 2129 432 610 212dlla152sn681nissan dieselrf8/sn681/a501
Cat fuel injector7n98433406c12 / 3196 Caterpillar code/typestamping no.7s1059d342t, d353137-250010r0963 1w58291w58297s5105194-5083 4w70154w70157s87223304, 3306, d330, d333, 1673147-0373 4w70164w70167s98913304160-2303 4w70174w70178m1584d333c/3306212-3463 4w70184w70188n1831d342t, d353160-1090 4w70224w70228n3173d353or8773 4w70254w70258n3174212-346410r0725 7n04497n04498n31753204212-346610r0968 7w70327w70328n3176d343116-5425 7w70387w70388n3177d336/1674156-1011 8n70058n70058n46943304, 3306, d330, d333, 1673
127-82110r84779f4113d330116-8811or45213176a 127-82160r86829l68843406116-8822or4522 127-82180r8684 9n2845116-8833or4523 127-82220r84619n32463406104-7900 127-82250r84699n6173d334/1674106-2233 127-82050r84799y00513500or4203 127-82070r8475116-8823 127-82090r8483/0r3742106-2244or4524 127-82130r8473or4204 127-82200r8467116-8844 127-82280r84653176b 127-82300r8463106-2277or9592 4p2995or8471or4207(300 hp) 140-8413or8867116-8877 162-02120r8463170-5237 162-02180r8633or4527
These are only a part of our products, if you want other products and information, contact us. Whatsapp:+86 18039041317 Dz-d150-4790090150-47904790Hino W04d Dz-d150-4810090150-48104810Mitsubishi 4d31/33/34 Dz-d150-4910090150-49104910Mitsubishi 6d14 Dz-d150-5020090150-50205020KubotaV2203-bg Dz-d150-5150090150-51505150KubotaD1503-t Dz-d150-5230090150-5230A120Isuzu4bc2 Dz-d150-5250090150-52505250Mitsubishi6d14 Dz-d150-5270090150-5270A74 Dz-d150-5290090150-52905290Mitsubishi4d35 Dz-d150-5310090150-53105310KubotaD1403b Dz-d150-5510090150-55105510Mitsubishi4d36 Dz-d150-5561090150-55615561Hino/ mitsubishi J08c/j05c/6d17
These are only a part of our products, if you want other products and information, contact us. whatsapp:+86 18039041317 DZ-D150-4790090150-47904790HINO W04D DZ-D150-4810090150-48104810MITSUBISHI 4D31/33/34 DZ-D150-4910090150-49104910MITSUBISHI 6D14 DZ-D150-5020090150-50205020KUBOTAV2203-BG DZ-D150-5150090150-51505150KUBOTAD1503-T DZ-D150-5230090150-5230A120ISUZU4BC2 DZ-D150-5250090150-52505250MITSUBISHI6D14 DZ-D150-5270090150-5270A74 DZ-D150-5290090150-52905290MITSUBISHI4D35 DZ-D150-5310090150-53105310KUBOTAD1403B DZ-D150-5510090150-55105510MITSUBISHI4D36 DZ-D150-5561090150-55615561HINO/ MITSUBISHI J08C/J05C/6D17
These are only a part of our products, If you want other products and information, contact us. Whatsapp:+86 18039041317 Dia no.Bosch no.Stamping no.Vehicle modelEngine/pump Dz-b455 0022 418 455 0022455 002Alfa romeo/fiat/iveco/khd/lanciaPe12p120a920ls3809 Dz-b455 0122 418 455 0122455 012ManPe12p120a520ls836 Dz-b455 0162 418 455 0162455 016Man/mercedes-benzPe12p110a520ls838 Dz-b455 0222 418 455 0222455 022Daf/mercedes-benzPe12p110a320ls3820 Dz-b455 0252 418 455 0252455 025FamosPe6p110a320rs405 Dz-b455 0292 418 455 0292455 029RenaultPe6p120a320rs436 Dz-b455 0302 418 455 0302455 030Alfa romeo/fiat/ivecoPe12p110a920ls3060 Dz-b455 0342 418 455 0342455 034Man/mercedes-benzPe12p120a320ls3819 Dz-b455 0372 418 455 0372455 037Renault/s.N.V.IPes6p120a320rs3070 Dz-b455 0382 418 455 0382455 038VolvoPe6p120a320rs3032 Dz-b455 0402 418 455 0402455 040VolvoPe6p120a320rs3134 Dz-b455 0422 418 455 0422455 042Volvo bmPe6p110a320rs423
Diesel fuel pump plunger bosch 2450 069 These are only a part of our products, if you want other products and information, contact us. Whatsapp:+86 18039041317 Dia no.Bosch no.Stamping no.Vehicle modelengine/pump Dz-b450 0031 418 450 0031450 003daf/fiat/khd/lancia/mercedes-benspe6p100a720rs414 Dz-b450 0051 418 450 0051450 005iveco/fiat/khd/lancia/megirus-deutzpes6p120a820ls249 Dz-b450 0002 418 450 0002450 000mercedes-benzpe6p100a720rs5 Dz-b450 0022 418 450 002 2450 002 Dz-b450 0052 418 450 0052450 005 Dz-b450 0102 418 450 0102450 010manpe6p130a300/3s21 Dz-b450 0112 418 450 0112450 011volvope6p100a320rs100 Dz-b450 0172 418 450 0172450 017scaniape6p90a720rs204 Dz-b450 0252 418 450 0252450 025mercedes-benz/steyrpe6p110a720rs176 Dz-b450 0322 418 450 0322450 032mackpe6p110a720rs192 Dz-b450 0342 418 450 0342450 034volvo d 100 bpe6p110a320rs138 Dz-b450 0372 418 450 0372450 037mack/scaniape6p100a720rs140 these are only a part of our products,