A stethoscope can be used to listen to the sounds made by the heart, lungs or intestines, as well as blood flow in arteries and veins. In combination with a manual sphygmomanometer, it is commonly used when measuring blood pressure. Categories - Surgical Products
Surgical tape or medical tape is a type of pressure-sensitive adhesive tape used in medicine and first aid to hold a bandage or other dressing onto a wound. Categories - Surgical Products
A pregnancy test can confirm if a woman is pregnant. The test can be carried out at home or in the doctor's office. A pregnancy test is around 99 percent reliable. It works by measuring levels of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Categories - OTC - Over The Counter Product
Best Glucometer for home use or Best glucometer machine, there are many terms to reach the right one . There could be better ways to say it, but it is a fact that most of us do not have a healthy lifestyle. And while we say that, it is also equally valid that the fault not necessarily lies with us. There is too much stress, too much sedentary work to do. A lot much pressure, and when we return home, we are too tired.
I-can is a test kit, which helps to detect pregnancy. Every woman is excited to know whether she has conceived or not. This I- can kit will help you to confirm pregnancy. I-can detects pregnancy in five minutes. It confirms pregnancy by detecting the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (pregnancy hormone) in the urine. It gives an accurate estimation of pregnancy. Major benefit of this kit is that it is very simple to use and you do not require any assistance to determine pregnancy by using this kit.
cotton ball saturated with rubbing alcohol (and squeezed to remove the excess), can gently remove dirt and kill germs. Dipped in vinegar, a few cotton balls can keep these adorable scavengers from making lunch of your flowers or veggies Categories - Surgical Products
Absorbent cotton is used for surgical dressings, cosmetic purposes etc. It is also known as Surgical Cotton or Cotton Wool. It is mainly used for medical purposes in hospitals, dispensaries and nursing homes to absorb the body fluids. Categories - Surgical Products
Diabetes test strips are an easy way to test your blood sugar, aka your glucose levels. This is important for people with diabetes. The strips work with glucose meters to read your blood sugar levels. Knowing your blood sugar levels helps you manage your disease. Categories - Surgical Products
First aid should be used any time there is an illness, injury, or emergency situation that requires treatment and emergency personnel have not arrived. In some cases, the situation and resulting first aid may be minor - some antibiotic ointment and a bandage for a small cut, for example. Categories - Surgical Products