Number of stops:24 stops
Control Type:Simple push button
Driving Type:Two Speed
VVVF Speed Regulated
Geared Machide
Gearless Machine (With or without machine room)
Group Operation:Up to 4 elevators
Serial Communication:With car
Car positioning:With magnetic switches
Compatible with two speed, vvvf (geared and gearless) and hydraulic elevators.
Can be used at any command type up to 24 stops.
Integrated door bridging safety circuit for door pre-opening and relevelling with open doors.
Integrated motor-phase protection circuit.
Integrated automatic door control inputs and outputs for single door.
Emergency lowering with 2x12V batteries for hydraulic lifts. ARL-SARJ charger unit controls the battery charge.
Emergency evacuation functions for electric lifts
Easy connection with only 15 cables by using serial car installation boards which reduces labourand cable costs.
Connection boards, which, are used instead of panel terminals are supplied with flexible parallel connection cables save extra connection terminals at control panel.