Supplier: Ayurvedic, herbal products
Services: Ayurvedic treatments for chronic ailments
Services: Providing ayurvedic treatment as rejuvenation and purification, center for ayurvedic treatment and training in ayurvedic massages , conducting seminar on ayurveda
Services: Ayurvedic treatments, panchakarma, ayurveda courses, yoga, ayurvedic cooking classes
Services: ayurvedic treatments for various ailments like arthritis, asthma, spondylitis with Specially designed packages for stress management, rejuvenation, obesity, panchkarma therapy. Consultation with resident ayurvedic physician, therapies, yoga and meditation.
Services: Online ayurvedic herbal clinic, ayurveda treatment, herbal treatment, ayurvedic medicine, herbal remedies, ayurvedic remedies, natural herbs, ayurvedic health care product, natural health care product, herbal supplements, home remedy, natural herbal treatment, herbal skin care product, ayurvedic hair care product, ayurvedic skin care product, herbal remedy, ayurvedic tablets, herbal capsule, ayurvedic capsules, herbal tablets, ayurvedic treatment for weight loss, herbal treatment for weight gain, herbal supplements for weight gain, ayurvedic product for quit smoking, herbal product quit smoking, online health consultant, family care clinic, india