Maize Starch is a principal product of processing corn, one of nature's major renewable resources. It is also a key material for the manufacture of corn based biochemical products ranging from corn sweeter to amino acids.
We are renowned as leading manufacturers and exporters of an amazing gamut of Starch Products including Pregelatinized Starch. It offers excellent binding as well as lubricating properties. It is manufactured using the finest grade of starch in our sophisticated facilities. It offers better mileage and cost effectiveness. It is widely used in beverages, dairy products, bakery products and so forth.
Temperature stability
Long storage life
Corn Starch (BEST Grade) Premium food grade starch which can be used as a thickener, Stabilizing agent, Coating agent, and filler in custard powder, sauces, gravies, confectionery & for frozen desserts.
Corn Starch (BEST Grade) Industrial grade starch which can be used in Textile industry, Paper industry, Paints etc.
Mybrite Laundry starch Powder . The use of starch adds body to fabrics, creates soil resistance and easier soil removal and makes ironing easier. As a natural product, starch works best on 100% cotton, cotton blends, and linen if you want crispness.
The more starch used, the stiffer the fabric will be after ironingâ??starch is typically applied while the clothing is being pressed. The most common reason people usestarch is for aesthetics. A starched, pressed shirt looks professional and clean under a business suit. mybrite provide you only the high quality of the laundry starch.
What does starch do to clothes? For aesthetic purposes, starch is commonly used when dry cleaning clothes to leave them feeling and looking crisp, somewhat stiff, and free of any wrinkles. Since dirt and sweat stick to the starch as opposed to the dirty clothes, it makes removing stains easier with less damage to clothing.Suitable for all colours and all fabrics.Forms even transparent layer on clothes for patch free stiffness.Makes coloured clothes 3 times brighter than ordinary starch.
Starching a shirt is one of the best ways to provide the garment with a look that is crisp and fresh. Apart from minimizing wrinkling and providing a more polished appearance, starch also can help protect the fiber of the shirt and make it possible to enjoy more years of wear. Sarees ,clothes,shirt.,etc
Mix starch. If using powdered starch, you will need to mix it with water before use. Take four tablespoons of starch and add it to one pint of hot water in a bowl or jug. Stir until the mixture resembles milk. Then, pour the mixture into a spray bottle for use
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