Elicitor which induces disease resistance Normal response of crops at onset of disease is to fight the invading organisms. As a result, bio-chemicals are produced in plant sap : These biochemicals are called as prohibitins and phytoalexins which stop the spread of disease. Plant vigour is maintained to ward off diseases. Many plants such as Peepal, Banyan, Neem etc. thus remain naturally healthy. Most of the productive crops lack natural prohibitins and phytoalexins. These biochemicals are introduced by spray of on the foliage of the crops.
Plant growth Promoter/ Bio-Activator Plants require various macro and micro nutrients for their growth and are supplied by way of adding various fertilisers to soil. Grorich is one such product that takes care of the general health and vigor of the plant and ensures proper uptake and absorption of nutrients from soil. In short, Grorich helps to maintain balanced nutritional status in plants. Benefits of using Grorich - Activity of Grorich is many folds; hence, it offers innumerable benefits : Proteins in the form of amino acids helps in cell growth. Enzymes help to breakdown complex molecules into simple form which can be easily utilised by the plant.
Biofertiliser Introduction : Biophos is a microbial biofertiliser carefully prepared by growing phosphate solubilising micro organisms (bacteria & fungi) in the laboratory and mixing the same with a suitable carrier medium to make it easy to apply it in soil. Out of the thirteen essential elements required for plant nutrition, phosphorus is one of the most important elements and is responsible for the following :- Healthy crop Firm fruit Disease resistance Higher yield
Biological fungicide. Protects germinating seed, roots and emerging shoots from soil borne pathogens. Economical and effective Environment friendly. Contains vigorous antagonists of plant pathogens based on mycoparasite Trichoderma. Ideal for organic farming and export oriented crops. Biofit is a fine powder containing minimum 2 x spores and conidia of mycoparasitic fungi Trichoderma viridae per gram, which when introduced along-with seeds or at root zone protect the seedlings from attack by soil borne pathogens and promote healthy growth in early stages of crop.
Natural plant growth enhancer Alphanaphthyl acetic acid 4.5 percent. BIOFIX is safe and effective growth regulator which helps farmers in the following way: To induce flowering, to prevent shedding of buds, flowers and to prevent fall of unripe fruits. To enlarge fruit size. To increase the yield and to improve the quality of the produce.
Neem based insecticides and fungicides Neem tree i.e. Azadirachta indica is known in India and neighboring countries for more than 2,000 years. A related species with similar properties grows in Thailand where in villages the beneficial properties of neem were appreciated for a long time. In 1959, Dr. Heinrich Schmutterer, a young German scientist trained in entomology and plant pathology, worked in Sudan during a locust invasion.
Two of the latest products evolved after intensive research at Ajay Biotech (India) Ltd. are Heliokill and Spodopterin; both being Nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (NPVs) recommended for effective control of Heliothis and Spodoptera species respectively, which affect many commercial crops. NPV is an insect virus used controlling difficult insects pests. Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus does not infect higher life forms. It is effective where other pesticides have failed.
META-GAURD is a new kind of termite control product. META-GAURD utilizes a naturally occurring soil fungus called Metarhizium anisopliae to attack termites where they are a problem and where they live. It comes as a 50% wettable powder in an easy to store and easy to use pouch. BIOSTOP is used as a direct treatment to active termites. META-GAURD must be applied directly to termites and to as many of them as possible.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a naturally occurring, soil borne organism that has gained popularity recently for its ability to control certain insect pests in a natural, environmentally friendly manner. Bt is considered ideal for pest management because of its specificity to certain pests. Also it is non toxic to human beings and natural enemies of many crop pests. More than 150 insects, mostly lepidopterous larvae, are known to be susceptible to B.t.var kurstaki.