A handmade soap made from pure natural ingredients helps to keep your skin fresh and smooth. Coconut oil handmade soap helps detoxicate, remove dead skin cells, moisturize skin, etc. It is made entirely by hand with natural, organic materials based on an ancient recipe very good for your health.
It awakens your senses and makes you feel ready to embark on any adventures, both mental and physical, delivering true satisfaction of love, joy, and peace.
Dettol Antibacterial Bar Soap.
Available variants Original, Cool, Fresh, Skincare, Invigorate, Sensitive, Lasting Fresh, Re-Energize. Size packing 144x100gr and 144x60gr. Product is Manufactured by PT Reckitt Benckiser Indonesia.
Shinzui Bar Soap.
Available in 6 variats : Matsu, Kirei, Myori, Hana, Kensho, dan Sakura.
1 Carton 144pcs @ 85gr.
Product is Manufactured by PT. Bina Karya Prima
Zen Bar Soap.
Available in 3 Variants : Japanese Red Shiso & Sandalwood, Japanese Red Shiso & Sea Salt, Japanese Red Shiso & Sulphur.
Packaging 72 x 80gr and 4x18x80gr (Banded 4).
Product is Manufactured by PT Bina Karya Indonesia