Services: Customs clearing company, transportation of goods, cargo export and import
Buyer: Trucks, trailers, tires, spare parts
Services: Buying and selling of a variety of goods and services, cargo services
Supplier: green building materials like calcium silicate board, fiber cement board, wood grain siding board, super tile adhesive, joint mixture, sandwich panel, gypsum board and composite structure coating sheet
Services: Agent, goods handling, cargo inspection, truck, customs declaration, shipping
Services: international transportation, pretty price, good service, cargo, by sea or air, worldwide service
Supplier: Dry fruits
Services: Goods and their shipping
Buyer: Almonds
Supplier: Garments and t shirts and trousers
Services: Transportation and shipping
Buyer: Textile materials
Services: Manpower supply, transport of goods by road, cargo handling, clearing & forwarding, custom house agent
Services: Customs clearing imports and exports airfreight and seafreight - forwarding - warehousing - paletizising and packing - refunds - drawbacks of duties - transport - local and international - dangerous goods - perishable cargo - cross border
Supplier: Evening bag, dress, jeans
Services: Sea, land, air freight, custom declaration, cargo survey, insurance, agent for import and export business, special container, carriage of goods by chartering, project cargo