-Can clean 4 ton van body truck, truck, minibus, luxury car, etc. -No maintenance is necessary because of no brush change is required. -No car cleaner operator is required, Save labor and administration cost. -Solve customer complaint about cleanliness as customer cleans its car by itself. -Economical price without bubble. -Convenient due to simple operation, Reduce failure(disorder) rate. -Even if there is no drying system, however. It is possible to overcome it through manual drying.
You can wash with water and then dry at the same time (dry trea: 98%). ct materialization of high quality and high performance.. No need to worry about water owing to the vacuum treatment atefr washing. Function to open the upper cove (Patent). Easy to clean with brush and replace consumable-s.
Perfect design of high performance, Realization of low noise 360°rotation, Flexible movement to up and down Installation of digital counting and displaying window Usable coins: 100/ 500 won Separative garbage can (Patent)
Suitable for tunnel type carwashing machine as passing type Resonable price All establishment easinesses
It is good which to set up in the narorw space, and in which the delicate bubble jet is possible with foam gun spray type.
Product of SC Johnson Indonesia All Kit Car Care products: Kit Black Magic Tire Gel, Kit Black Magic Tire Foam, Kit Wash & Wax, Kit Wash & Glow, Kit Detailer, Kit Paste Wax Original, Kit Paste Wax Restorative, Kit Rubbing Compound, Kit Paste Wax New Car, Kit Metalic Car Wax, Kit Gold Series, Kit Protectant, Kit Leather Care, Kit Multi Purpose Cleaner, Kit Wiper Fluid, Kit Auto Glass Cleaner, Kit GP-9, Kit Glass Polish, Kit Metal Polish, Kit Motor Paste Wax.