Casablanca Femme Body Mist Perfume.
Available variants Fantasy (Green), Illussion (Orange), Romantic (Pink), Elegance (Tosca), Classic (Violet), Energetic (Yellow). Packaging 16x12x100ml and 6x12x50ml. Product is Manufactured by PT. Priskila Prima Makmur.
Casablanca Homme Body Mist Parfum.
Available variants Aqua (Blue), Ambitious (Dark Blue), Royale (Dark Violet), Dynamic (Grey), Intense (Red), Sporty (Dark Green). Packaging 16x12x100ml and 6x12x50ml. Product is Manufactured by PT. Priskila Prima Makmur.
Emeron Lovely Powder Make up
Available variants Light Beight, Natural, Pink Loose Powder contain 48, Light Beight, Natural, Pink Compac Powder contain 48. Product is Manufactured by PT. Lion Wings.
Lavender has been a favorite herb for centuries. The historic use and recognition of lavender is almost as old the history of man. As an herb, lavender has been in documented use for over 2,500 years.
In ancient times lavender was used for mummification and perfume by the Egyptian's, Phoenicians, and peoples of Arabia. The Greeks and the romans bathed in lavender scented water and it was from the Latin word "lavo" meaning "to wash" that the herb took it's name. Perhaps first domesticated by the Arabians, lavender spread across Europe from Greece.
Lavender oil is an essential oil obtained by distillation from the flower spikes of certain species of lavender. Our lavender essential oil is produced from flowers growing in higher elevations of Bulgaria. The oil has a fresh, soft and sweet aroma. Lavender is indigenous to mountainous regions of the Mediterranean countries and the black sea, gowning best in the poor, well-drained soils.
Lavender oil, which has long been used in the production of perfume, can also be used in aromatherapy. It has a calming and regenerating effect over the human body. Lavender oil can be used as an antiseptic and pain reliever to be applied to minor burns and insect bites and stings.